If We're honest 若我们真实.


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Presentation transcript:

If We're honest 若我们真实

(Verse 1) Truth is harder than a lie The dark seems safer than the light And everyone has a heart that loves to hide 活在真实里要比谎言中更难 待在黑暗里似比光中更安全 每个人都有一颗心想要躲藏

I'm a mess and so are you We've built walls nobody can get through (Verse 2) I'm a mess and so are you We've built walls nobody can get through 我自己一团糟,你也如此 我们彼此筑起厚墙 无人能穿透

Yeah it may be hard But the best thing we could ever do ever do (Verse 2 - Cont’d) Yeah it may be hard But the best thing we could ever do ever do 是啊 这样很痛苦 却似乎我们唯一能做的 ...能做的

(So) Bring your brokenness (Chorus) (So) Bring your brokenness and I'll bring mine 'Cause love can heal what hurt divides And mercy's waiting on the other side If we're honest if we're honest (所以) 带着破碎我们一起来 爱能弥合伤害所分裂 而怜悯在天的那一边等待 若我们真实 若我们真实

不要面对自己装假 整日活着怕被人撞见真相。。 (Verse 3) Don't pretend to be something that you're not Living life afraid of getting caught ... 不要面对自己装假 整日活着怕被人撞见真相。。

(Verse 3 - Cont'd) There is freedom found When we lay our secrets down at the cross At the cross 若要找到解脱自由 就将内心隐秘卸在十架下 十架下

(So) Bring your brokenness (Chorus) (So) Bring your brokenness and I'll bring mine 'Cause love can heal what hurt divides And mercy's waiting on the other side If we're honest if we're honest (所以) 带着破碎我们一起来 爱能弥合伤害所分裂 而怜悯在天的那一边等待 若我们真实 若我们真实

It would change our lives It would set us free It's what we need to be (Bridge) It would change our lives It would set us free It's what we need to be 这会改变我们的生命 这会释放我们得自由 这就是我们所需要的

(So) Bring your brokenness (Chorus) (So) Bring your brokenness and I'll bring mine 'Cause love can heal what hurt divides And mercy's waiting on the other side If we're honest if we're honest (所以) 带着破碎我们一起来 爱能弥合伤害所分裂 而怜悯在天的那一边等待 若我们真实 若我们真实