Institute of Medicine, Chung Shan Medical University


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Presentation transcript:

Institute of Medicine, Chung Shan Medical University 中山醫學大學 醫學研究所 歡迎 特別演講 題目:Distinct Inflammasome Activation Pathways in Human Macrophage Subsets in DV Infection 陽明大學臨床醫學研究所 主講者:謝世良 教授 時間:102年04月12日 16:00 地點:正心樓2樓 0211教室 Institute of Medicine, Chung Shan Medical University

中山醫學大學醫學研究所 邀請 陽明大學臨醫所 謝世良教授 專題演講 中山醫學大學醫學研究所 邀請 陽明大學臨醫所 謝世良教授 專題演講

謝世良 教授 EDUCATION AND POSITIONS HELD M.D., National Yang-Ming University, 1984 D.Phil., University of Oxford, UK, 1992 Postdoctoral fellow, Stanford University, 1993 Director, Institute of Clinical Medicine, Natl. Yang-Ming Univ., Taipei,Taiwan, 2010-present Distinguished Professor, Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Natl. Yang-Ming Univ., Taipei, Taiwan, 2007-present Professor, Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Natl. Yang-Ming Univ., Taipei, Taiwan ,2001-present Director, Immunology Research Center, Natl. Yang-Ming Univ., Taiwan, 2000-present Director, Immunology Research Center, Taipei Veterans’ General Hospital, Taiwan, 2005-present Co-appointed Senior Investigator, National Health Research Center, Taipei, Taiwan ,2004-present Co-appointed Senior Investigator, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, 2004-present Distinguished Research Fellow, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, 2009-present

HONORS: Oversea Ph.D., studentship, Minister of Education, 1988 Robert Wood Johnson Fellowship, 1993 Outstanding Researcher Award, National Science Council, 1999 Outstanding Researcher Award, National Science Council, 2003

RESEARCH INTERESTS: Immunobiology of antigen presenting cells: non-Toll-like Innate Immunity Receptors   DCs (dendritic cells) and macrophages (M师) can either activate host immunity via stimulating T cells, B cells, and NK cells, or downregulating immune system via inducing cell anergy or promoting the development of regulatory T cells (Treg). The recognition of self versus non-self antigen relies on the abundant innate receptors, such as TOLL-like receptors, TREM receptors and lectin receptors. We are especially interested in the functions of non-TLR innate receptors in viral infections, and the immunomodulatory effects of decoy receptor 3 (DcR3) to modulate the activities of M师 and DCs. We have developed a platform technology to identify members of lectin and TREM receptors as the pattern recognition receptors to flaviviruses, influenza viruses, and K. pneumoniae. In vivo study demonstrates the potential to suppress tissue damage and hemorrhagic shock via Blocking pathogen-receptor interaction. This makes non-TLRs the ideal targets for anti-inflammatorytherapy.

抗原呈現細胞之免疫生物學:非Toll-like先天免疫受體 樹突細胞及巨噬細胞可刺激T細胞,B細胞及NK細胞以活化宿主免疫系統;另一方面則可藉著引發細胞anergy或增進調控性(regulatory)T細 胞而減弱免疫反應。樹突細胞及巨噬細胞可經由細胞表面大量表現的innate receptors,如TOLL-like受體,TREM受體或凝集素(Lectin)受體來辨認自體和非自體抗原。我們實驗室的研究重點在於非 TOLL-like先天免疫受體在病毒感染時的功用及腫瘤壞死因子第三號誘餌受體在調控活化巨噬細胞及樹突細胞之免疫調節作用。 我們已發展出一平台技術用以篩選凝集素與TREM受體中可辨識黃熱病毒,流行性感冒病毒及克雷伯氏肺炎桿菌之受體。在生物體研究證實了可藉由阻斷致病原與 受體之交互作用而抑制組織受損及出血性休克之可能性,而這也使得非TOLL-like受體在抗發炎療法中為一理想之目標。