Sing of the Lord's Goodness


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Presentation transcript:

Sing of the Lord's Goodness 頌讚主的美善

Sing of the Lord’s goodness, Father of all wisdom, Come to him and bless his name. Mercy he has shown us, His love is forever, Faithful to the end of days.

Come then, all you nations, Sing of your Lord’s goodness, Melodies of praise and thanks to God. Ring out the Lord’s glory, Praise him with your music, Worship him and bless his name.

Risen from the snares of death. New life he now gives to all. Power he has wielded, Honor is his garment, Risen from the snares of death. His word he has spoken, One bread he has broken, New life he now gives to all.

Come, then, all you nations, Sing of your Lord’s goodness, Melodies of praise and thanks to God. Ring out the Lord’s glory, Praise him with your music, Worship him and bless his name.

Courage in our darkness, Comfort in our sorrow, Spirit of our God most high; Solace for the weary, Pardon for the sinner, Splendor of the living God.

Praise him with your singing, Praise him with the trumpet, Praise God with the lute and harp; Praise him with cymbals, Praise him with your dancing, Praise God till he end of days.

Sing of the Lord’s Goodness 頌讚主的美善 By Ernest Sands 頌揚主的美善, 全智的父神 來就近祂並讚美祂的名 祂對我們施憐憫 祂的愛無窮盡 祂的信實直到末日

萬國啊一起來 唱出主的美善 唱出向神讚美的旋律與感謝 奏響主的榮耀 以音樂來頌揚祂 敬拜並讚美祂的名

祂的能力已發出 榮耀是祂的衣裳 從死亡網羅中復活 祂的話語已宣告 祂的身體已破碎 新生命祂賜給人類

萬國啊一起來 唱出主的美善 唱出向神讚美的旋律與感謝 敲響主的榮耀 用音樂來頌揚祂 敬拜並讚美祂的名 萬國啊一起來 唱出主的美善 唱出向神讚美的旋律與感謝 敲響主的榮耀 用音樂來頌揚祂 敬拜並讚美祂的名

黑暗中祂帶來勇氣 悲傷中祂帶來安慰 至高神的聖靈 疲倦者的安慰 罪者的赦免 神聖光輝的真神 黑暗中祂帶來勇氣 悲傷中祂帶來安慰 至高神的聖靈 疲倦者的安慰 罪者的赦免 神聖光輝的真神

用歌聲來讚美祂 用號角來讚美祂 用絃與琴來讚美祂 用鈸來讚美祂 跳舞來讚美祂 讚美祂直到末日