How can I keep from singing? 我怎麼能不歌唱


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Presentation transcript:

How can I keep from singing? 我怎麼能不歌唱 Author: Lowry, Robert. CCLI # 407327

(1) How can I keep from singing? 我怎能不歌唱 My life flows on in endless song; Above earth's lamentation, I hear the real, though far-off hymn That hails a new creation; 生命湧流不停歌唱, 遠超世上悲嘆聲, 我聼見遠處有歌聲, 那是歡呼新創造。 (1) How can I keep from singing? 我怎能不歌唱

(2) How can I keep from singing? 我怎能不歌唱 No storm can shake my inmost calm, While to this rock I’m clinging. It sounds an echo in my soul. How can I keep from singing? 無風暴能動搖我心, 當緊抓住這磐石。 似回音響在我心内。 我怎麼能不歌唱? (2) How can I keep from singing? 我怎能不歌唱

(3) How can I keep from singing? 我怎能不歌唱 What though the tempest ‘round me roar, I know the truth it liveth. What though the darkness round me close, Songs in the night it giveth. 四圍風暴雖然呼號, 我知道真理永存, 即使黑暗環繞我身, 夜間賜下歌唱聲。 (3) How can I keep from singing? 我怎能不歌唱

(4) How can I keep from singing? 我怎能不歌唱 No storm can shake my inmost calm, While to this rock I’m clinging. Since love is Lord of heav’n and earth, How can I keep from singing? 無風暴能動搖我心, 當緊抓住這磐石。 因天和地的主是愛, 我怎麼能不歌唱? (4) How can I keep from singing? 我怎能不歌唱

(5) How can I keep from singing? 我怎能不歌唱 When tyrants tremble sick with fear, And hear their death bells ringing, And friends rejoice both far and near, How can I keep from singing? 當暴君驚嚇又抖顫, 死亡鐘聲已響起, 遠近朋友同聲歡樂, 我怎麼能不歌唱? (5) How can I keep from singing? 我怎能不歌唱

(6) How can I keep from singing? 我怎能不歌唱 In prison cell and dungeon vile, Our thoughts to them are winging, When friends by trial are undefiled, How can I keep from singing? 在陰暗地窖和牢房, 思念的心在飛翔。 受試 煉仍保持潔白, 我怎麼能不歌唱? 我怎麼能不歌唱? (6) How can I keep from singing? 我怎能不歌唱