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Presentation transcript:

Investor Presentation Wistron ITS 客尊,誠信,創新 是緯創軟體的核心價值(Core value) “A Partner You Can Trust”是我們的Slogan(企業標語), 我們致力於成為客戶長期而且值得信賴的夥伴 Investor Presentation 2018/04/17

Disclaimer This presentation is private and confidential and is being made available to the recipient on the express understanding that it will be kept confidential and that the recipient shall not copy, reproduce, distribute or pass to third parties this presentation in whole or in part at any time. This presentation is the property of Wistron ITS Corporation (“Wistron ITS”) and the recipient agrees that it will, on request, promptly return this presentation and all other information supplied in connection with the ideas and concepts presented herein, without retaining any copies. This presentation has been prepared by Wistron ITS and is being delivered to the recipient and is for general reference only. The sole purpose of this presentation is to assist the recipient in understanding Wistron ITS. This presentation is not intended to form the basis of a decision to purchase securities or any other investment decision and does not constitute an offer, invitation or recommendation for the sale or purchase of securities. Any decision to purchase securities in any offering of Wistron ITS should be made solely on the basis of the information contained in a prospectus which may be published or distributed in due course in connection with such offering, if any. Neither the information contained in this presentation nor any further information made available in connection with the subject matter contained herein will form the basis of any contract. This presentation does not purport to be comprehensive or to contain all the information about Wistron ITS, its business, its current or historical operating results or its future business prospects. The information contained herein is based on publicly available information and sources, which we believe to be reliable, but we do not represent it is accurate or complete. The recipient of this presentation must make its own investigation and assessment of the ideas and concepts presented herein. No representation, warranty or undertaking, express or implied, is or will be made or given and no responsibility or liability is or will be accepted by Wistron ITS or by any of its directors, officers, employees, agents or advisers, in relation to the accuracy or completeness of this presentation or any other written or oral information made available in connection with the ideas and concepts presented herein. Any responsibility or liability for any such information is expressly disclaimed. In furnishing this presentation, Wistron ITS undertakes no obligation to provide the recipient with access to any additional information, or to update, or to correct any inaccuracies which may become apparent in, this presentation or any other information made available in connection with the ideas and concepts presented herein.

Leading IT Consulting and Outsourcing Provider OTC listed Expanded Japan branch Making profit steadily Renamed Founded 1992 2004 2006 2007 2008-10 2011 2014 2015 2016 1992公司成立,以提供產品全球化服務為主,與國際大廠(IBM、微軟、Oracle、蘋果電腦等) 建立合作關係 2002,緯創集團入資 2004,更名為緯創軟體,定位發展方向,擴大國際業務發展 2006,建立跨國多據點的管理能力,進入持續獲利狀態 2007,成為IBM指定的亞太區核心供應商,為經濟部工業局評選的2007年度旗艦業者 2008-2010,取得 CMMI Level 3, ISO 27001 等認證 2011,擴大日本團隊規模,提升國際化與在地化程度 2014, 2014/1/8 OTC上櫃掛牌, 台灣軟體業第一家通過ISO 27001 (2013 新版)公司 2015, 經濟部潛力中堅企業, CSA評選為亞洲前30大軟體全球化服務供應商 2016,通過台灣智慧財產管理規範(TIPS)認證 First software company in Taiwan to become ISO 27001 (2013 version) accredited. Certified by TIPS (Taiwan Intellectual Property Management System). Accredited with CMMI Level 3, ISO 27001. Award by Common Sense Advisory(CSA) as 2015 Top 30 Language Service Provider in Asia. IBM designated APAC key supplier. Selected Flagship Business by the Industrial Development Bureau, MoEA.

Professional Services TCS Technical Consulting ITO IT Outsoursing PGS Product Globalization BPO Business Process Outsourcing 4

Advancing Together into the Future Applications Big Data Cloud Application AI Testing(Automation/3rd-party/ I18N/L10N) FinTech IoT Maintenance(AP/IT) Advancing Together into the Future 緯創軟體強調與時俱進, 在有前景的專業領域、主流新技術、和提升服務價值等方面與時俱進。 在資訊服務的內容上,各種新興科技應用與服務驅動了企業數位轉型的需求,緯創軟體持續掌握主流新技術,提供所需的資訊服務,成為客戶轉型或升級時最堅實的後盾。

Industry-domain know-how Finance Insurance Telecom High-tech Gov. Healthcare Manufacturing Transportation Retail Logistics

On-line /Real time Project Review Global Delivery On-line /Real time Project Review Japan China USA Taiwan 7

Established Service Network Dalian Osaka Tokyo Irvine, CA Beijing Shanghai  Wuhan Taipei Zhuhai Our Mission: Set foot in Asia to become a first-class global IT service provider. 8 8

Why Wistron ITS Strong service network in Asia and US Global delivery model with mature technical resources High quality , competitive cost , and high flexibility Mature culture in building long-term relationship with global brands 9


Statements of Consolidated Income (Quarterly) 11

Statements of Consolidated Income(Year) 12

2017 Q1~Q3 Revenue

2017 Revenue By Business Type

2017 Revenue By Area

Consolidated Balance Sheet


Customer centric. Integrity. Innovation.