Advertisement Translation (Week 3)


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Presentation transcript:

Advertisement Translation (Week 3) 陳雅齡 2013-10-2

Advertisement Translation 1. Principles: Creative (創造性) Functional with a certain purpose (目的功能性) 2. Strategies 3. Sentence Patterns 4. Rhetorical Skill

Principle 2 : 目的功能性 翻譯的目的功能性多採用強調動態式 (靈活對等)的翻譯 I have read your articles. I expected to meet an older man. 我看過你的文章,想不到你這麼年輕 True to type he told his parents the whole story. 他把事情一五一十地講給父母聽。

Principle 2 : 目的功能性 (Continue) The Relentless Pursuit of Perfection (Lexus) 專注完美 近乎苛求 A diamond is forever (De Beers Diamond) 鑽石恆永遠,一顆永留傳 She’s not finished yet. (Rolex)  卓越成就,無法丈量 

Principle 2 : 目的功能性 (Continue) My promise to your (Ma Belle) 鍾愛一生 We care to provide service above and beyond the call of duty. (UPS) 殷勤有加,風雨不改。 Traveling to the end of the earth? (United Airlines) 環遊世界 安坐家中

Principle 2 : 目的功能性 (Continue) Quit Smoking (World No Tobacco Day/世界戒菸日) 非戒不可日 Every Drop Counts (香港水物署) 珍惜點滴 凝聚未來

以下Pepsi 翻譯仍屬詞義對等式翻譯,同學修改之,針對中文讀者更有效的宣傳: Pepsi-Cola hits the spot, Twelve full ounces, that’s a lot, Twice as much as for a nicket, too, Pepsi-Cola is the drink for you. 百事可樂擊中要害, 分量十二盎司,實實在在, 花上五分鎳幣能喝上兩份, 百事可樂對你竭誠相待。

以下翻譯仍屬詞義對等式翻譯,請同學修改,針對中文讀者做更有效的宣傳 Sharp Z-20 Smallest Plain Paper Copier It’s more than just new. It’s smaller. It’s lighter. And it fits almost anywhere. It starts automatically. “Goes to sleep” automatically. Even sets exposure automatically. And it’s not only affordable to buy. Economical to run. It’s also simple to maintain. It uses replaceable cartridges. For copies in red, blue or black. And it has copy quality that’s truly unsurpassed. It’s the new Sharp Z-20.

以下翻譯仍屬詞義對等式翻譯,請同學修改,針對中文讀者做更有效的宣傳 最小的複印機,夏普Z-20 型 更新穎飲,更小巧,更輕便。 可隨處擺放。 可自動啟動,自動關閉,自動曝光。 物美價廉,經濟實惠,保養簡便。 可轉換色帶代,可復複製復制出紅藍黑三色 複印品質無與倫比,這就是夏普新型Z-20。

Conclusion Analyze the original text , Improve the way of presentation Creative and Functional are the top principles!