请听天使在高唱 歌颂声由天播扬 An-gels we have heard on high


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071天使歌唱在高天 Angels We Have Heard on High
Angels we have heard on high
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保护环境 人人有责 Come in.
O Come, All Ye Faithful (Verse 1) 齊來,信主聖徒
Presentation transcript:

请听天使在高唱 歌颂声由天播扬 An-gels we have heard on high Sweet-ly sing-ing o’er the plains 1-1. 1/9 教會聖詩#135

And the moun-tains in re-ply Ech-o back their joy-ous strains 奇妙曲音多响亮 And the moun-tains in re-ply 清歌高唱好景象 Ech-o back their joy-ous strains 1-2. 2/9

in ex-cel-sis De-o” (2X) *副歌 “荣──耀 荣耀 荣耀归于真─神” (2X) “Glo - - - - - ri - a in ex-cel-sis De-o” (2X) 1-3. 3/9

Shep-herds, why this ju-bi-lee? Why your joy-ous strains pro-long? 2 2-1. 牧人黑夜在旷野 Shep-herds, why this ju-bi-lee? 看守羊群待天明 Why your joy-ous strains pro-long? 4/9

Say what may the ti-dings be Which in-spire your heaven-ly song? 忽闻天使报佳音 Say what may the ti-dings be 平安信息給世人 Which in-spire your heaven-ly song? 2-2. 5/9

in ex-cel-sis De-o” (2X) *副歌 “荣──耀 荣耀 荣耀归于真─神” (2X) “Glo - - - - - ri - a in ex-cel-sis De-o” (2X) 2-3. 6/9

Come to Beth-le-hem ad see Him whose birth the an-gels sing 3 3-1. 齐来同往伯利恆 Come to Beth-le-hem ad see 天使所唱圣嬰生 Him whose birth the an-gels sing 7/9

Come a-dore, on bend-ed knee Christ, the Lord, the new-bor King 屈膝跪拜新生王 Come a-dore, on bend-ed knee 救主基督今降生 Christ, the Lord, the new-bor King 3-2. 8/9

in ex-cel-sis De-o” (2X) *副歌 “荣──耀 荣耀 荣耀归于真─神” (2X) “Glo - - - - - ri - a in ex-cel-sis De-o” (2X) 3-3. 9/9