聰明老人幸福十誡 “Ten taboos to happiness” for the intelligent aged persons
一、不要再替成年子女操心,才不會碎碎唸。 Don’ t be concerned about adult children any more, otherwise, cannot stop the annoying chatters.
so to avoid incurring complaints. 二、不要再將成年子女當成未成年來 「監護」,以免顧人怨 。 Don’t regard the adult children as of under age and serve as a guardian for them, so to avoid incurring complaints.
三、不必事事都「非知道不可」,尊重已成年子女的隱私權、自主權。 No necessary to know everything, No necessary to know everything, pay respect to the privacy and the right of decision-making of adult children.
Don’t regard children and grandchildren as a center of life, 四、不要再以兒、孫為生活重心, 尋找自己的園地,才不致天天 望穿秋水。 Don’t regard children and grandchildren as a center of life, look for personal social circles, so to avoid trapping yourself in the dilemma of anxious expectation and disappointment daily.
Raise a habit of writing, painting, exercising, 五、不要逢人就訴苦,寧可寫作、畫畫、練功、唱歌,以藝術、創作昇 華情緒。 Raise a habit of writing, painting, exercising, singing to sublime your mood by arts and creation rather than complain to people coming across
六、不要凡事抱怨,多欣賞、感謝別人為取悅你所做的努力。 More admiration, less complaints and appreciate what other people have done for pleasing you.
七、不要因孫輩和子女媳婿爭執衝突,這樣只會惡性循環,害了你的孫輩。 Don’t involve in the dispute between grandchildren and adult children, this act just causes adverse effects in a bad circle and hurt your grandchildren.
八、不要因病痛而唉唉叫,有病要治病,領了藥要服藥,治不好的要忍耐。 Don’t cry over sickness, just go to see a doctor and take the necessary medical pills as prescribed, and be patient if failed to cure
otherwise, he will go away from you too eventually 九、不要疑心病太重,要感激還願意留 在身邊的人,免得最後連他也走了! Don’t be skeptical to others too much, be grateful to the person who left around you, otherwise, he will go away from you too eventually
十、要多多親近宗教,有堅 定的信仰,對未來抱著 開心、樂觀的態度 。 Participate in religious activities often, be stick to belief and take pleasant, optimistic attitudes toward the future.