Reading&Writing Two brothers By Qiu Yiyan Born to try


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Reading&Writing Two brothers By Qiu Yiyan Born to try 使用方法: 【更改文字】:将标题框及正文框中的文字可直接改为您所需文字 【更改图片】:点中图片》绘图工具》格式》填充》图片》选择您需要展示的图片 【增加减少图片】:直接复制粘贴图片来增加图片数,复制后更改方法见【更改图片】 【更改图片色彩】:点中图片》图片工具》格式》色彩(重新着色)》选择您喜欢的色彩 下载更多模板、视频教程: By Qiu Yiyan Born to try

Q2: Did he run away from the difficulties? Instead, what did he do? Q1: What happened to Chris (the father) in the video ? He was broke. Q2: Did he run away from the difficulties? Instead, what did he do? No, he faced them and changed his life.

Reading (para.1--5) Who ? What ? Two brothers branded remorse Story ________for______________ caught stealing sheep _________with letters ______ “sheep thief” branded for Attitudes &choices? one the other _____________ _______________ _________________ embarrased remorse _____________ _______________________ ______________ stayed & made amends to villagers ran away & was never heard from care for the ill help with work never accept pay

Reading (para.6--8) Many years later,... Story Reading (para.6--8) Many years later,... 使用方法: 【更改文字】:将标题框及正文框中的文字可直接改为您所需文字 【更改图片】:点中图片》绘图工具》格式》填充》图片》选择您需要展示的图片 【增加减少图片】:直接复制粘贴图片来增加图片数,复制后更改方法见【更改图片】 【更改图片色彩】:点中图片》图片工具》格式》色彩(重新着色)》选择您喜欢的色彩 下载更多模板、视频教程: Q1: What are the attitudes of the villagers to him? skeptical changed stop to share a kind word pay their respect have nothing to do with him give a warm hug

courage persistence sincere amends Q2: Why did the owner answered that “ST” standed for “Saint” while actually it was for “sheep thief” ? One more change: “sheep thief ” “saint” courage persistence sincere amends

Summary-writing elements: Story: 1. who & what 2. how 3. end ________ for _____________ caught 1. who & what stealing sheep Two brothers _________with letters __________ “sheep thief” for/standing for branded v 2. how one the other ___________ _____________ ran away & _____________ ________________ stayed & was never heard from made amends to villagers changed The villagers ________attitudes towards him and began to________him respect 3. end What to teach: sincere amends ; persistence ; courage 4. moral

Summary-writing Write a summary about 60 words of the story with the help of the given structure.

Comment Structure elements: Story: 1. who & what 2. how 3. end ________ for _____________ caught 1. who & what stealing sheep Two brothers _________with letters __________ “sheep thief” for/standing for branded v 2. how one the other ___________ &_____________ ran away _____________ & ________________ stayed never be heard from made amends to villagers changed The villagers ________attitudes towards him and began to________him respect 3. end What to teach: sincere amends ; persistence ; courage 4. moral

Story Sample summary The two brothers caught for stealing sheep was punished to be marked with ST, which stood for“sheep thief”. One brother ran away while the other chose to face it and spent all life to make up for what he had wronged. Finally, the villagers changed their attitudes and forgave him. It was his efforts and persistence to renew himself that earned back the respect . (68)

Bye-Bye ! Homework Finish writing the summary 使用方法: 【更改文字】:将标题框及正文框中的文字可直接改为您所需文字 【更改图片】:点中图片》绘图工具》格式》填充》图片》选择您需要展示的图片 【增加减少图片】:直接复制粘贴图片来增加图片数,复制后更改方法见【更改图片】 【更改图片色彩】:点中图片》图片工具》格式》色彩(重新着色)》选择您喜欢的色彩 下载更多模板、视频教程: Bye-Bye !

story Word-guessing 使用方法: 【更改文字】:将标题框及正文框中的文字可直接改为您所需文字 【更改图片】:点中图片》绘图工具》格式》填充》图片》选择您需要展示的图片 【增加减少图片】:直接复制粘贴图片来增加图片数,复制后更改方法见【更改图片】 【更改图片色彩】:点中图片》图片工具》格式》色彩(重新着色)》选择您喜欢的色彩 下载更多模板、视频教程: 1. The two brothers would be branded on the forehead with the letters ST for “sheep thief”. A. be named B. be marked √

Word-guessing story √ A. B. 使用方法: 【更改文字】:将标题框及正文框中的文字可直接改为您所需文字 【更改图片】:点中图片》绘图工具》格式》填充》图片》选择您需要展示的图片 【增加减少图片】:直接复制粘贴图片来增加图片数,复制后更改方法见【更改图片】 【更改图片色彩】:点中图片》图片工具》格式》色彩(重新着色)》选择您喜欢的色彩 下载更多模板、视频教程: 2. The other brother, filled with remorse, accepted his fate and chose to stay and try to make amends to the villagers for what he had done wrong. A. B. The father finally found back his lost son, so he tried his best to make up for their lost time. If you cheat in the exam , you can't escape from being caught by the teacher. √