台北市基隆路四段43號台灣科技大學 International Building RM 202


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Presentation transcript:

台北市基隆路四段43號台灣科技大學 International Building RM 202 先進化學機械平坦化(CMP)研討會 Advanced CMP Seminar April 15/2014, 13:30~17:30 台北市基隆路四段43號台灣科技大學 International Building RM 202 樹立國際產學合作典範,為台灣半導體開創新局面的一步 開拓化學機械平坦化前進領域 CMP是半導體相當關鍵之製程,它的訴求極為嚴苛,而且尺度只會愈來愈緊。昔日不可行之困難,於今則為必備條件。開拓先進CMP技術與應用需要巨大的資源與財力,而又是不可避免之趨勢。 研究機構、學術界、廠商、終端使用者能否群策群力,有效運用既有的資源,以達成期望之成果? 本研討會將從技術、市場、商業合作模式等方向探討CMP重要議題。 講員來自日本、歐盟、台灣—全球IC業的關鍵區域,在相關產業有20年以上經驗,分享他們對CMP研發落實的觀點。 Establishing international industry-academy collaboration model, forwarding a critical step for Taiwan semiconductor industry. Exploring Frontiers of CMP CMP, one of critical processes in IC fabrication, is being more stringent and demanding. What was impossible yesterday now is must-be. To explore advanced technologies and applications requires tremendous resources, and formidable cost, but unavoidable. How can research institutes, academies, suppliers, and end-users be linked together, with collective effort, optimizing limited resources, to achieve what is necessary? This seminar will shed light on CMP issues in various respects: technology, marketing, and business collaborating model. Speakers from Japan, Europe, Taiwan—key regions of IC industry, having experience in related industry over 20 years, will share their perspectives of R & D realization. 主辦單位 Organizer 國立台灣科技大學 晶圓平坦化創新中心 協辦單位 Co-organizer 台灣平坦化應用技術協會

13:1513:30 Sign in 13:3013:40 Opening: Dr. C.J. Liao, President, Taiwan Tech 13:4013:50 Topic 1: Introduction on CIC Dr. C.C. Chen, Distinguished Professor, Director of CMP Innovation Center, Taiwan Tech 13:5014:30 Topic 2: Now's the time, the R&D on CMP in Taiwan Dr. K. Kimura, Professor, Taiwan Tech 14:3015:20 Topic 3: Paradigm Shift in Semiconductor World Dr. M. Tsujimura, President of Precision Machinery Company, Ebara Corp 15:2015:50 Break 15: 5016:30 Topic 4: Collaborative Research : The Impact of International Partnerships Peter Lemmens, General Manager, IMEC Taiwan 16: 3017:10 Topic 5: Taking the rough and yielding the smooth Dr. LC Kong, General Secretary, CMPUGTW 17: 1017:30 Open discussion