What happened?.


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Presentation transcript:

What happened?

何謂動詞? 動詞是語言的核心,因為人一直在「動」,環境一直在「變」;動詞所表達的就是人所從事的各項「活動」及週遭環境的「變化」。 不同的動作用不同的動詞表達,「追」表達了有『追人』及『被追』的二個參與者;但「跑」則只需要一個參與者。

及物動詞 需要一個受詞來扮演動詞的【承受者】 【承受者】 動作及於另一物 願望類的事件 命令類的事件 I want/like/take/have it. 願望類的事件 I want/plan/hope to leave. 命令類的事件 I want/order/ask/force him to clean the room.

不及物動詞 動作不需要受詞來扮演動詞的【承受者】 I walked, ran and jumped.

了解動詞語意類型,才知道動詞後面該加什麼? 原形動詞:沒有時態的動詞,無法陳述事實;必須與句子中的主要動詞依附 I made him clean the room. I had her cut her hair. 使役動詞+受詞+原形動詞=>原形動詞完全受使役動詞的主導,時空無法獨立,必須與主要動詞相連

了解動詞語意類型,才知道動詞後面該加什麼? 不定詞to-V:to指向未來目標,也就是語意是未來要做的事,就必須用不定詞來配合 He planned to watch the movie. We decided to take a trip . She would like to learn English.

了解動詞語意類型,才知道動詞後面該加什麼? 動名詞V-ing:動名詞是把動詞名詞化,同時表達事實及進行,當語意是補語時,就將動詞轉成名詞 I enjoy playing the violin. She finished doing her homework. He practiced playing basketball for two hours.

了解動詞語意類型,才知道動詞後面該加什麼? 名詞子句that-CL:表達時空明確及語意完整的事件 The good news is that we won the game. I think that Jeremy Lin will win the game again. He found that Mr. Wang is a teacher.

The book made John _____ a famous writer.(a)be (b)being (c)to be 選出正確答案? My parents _____me drive their car this afternoon.(a)wanted (b)let (c)told The book made John _____ a famous writer.(a)be (b)being (c)to be No ______(禁止吸煙)(a)smoke (b)to smoke (c)smoking What a beautiful Sunday! Let’s _____! (a)go (b)to go (c)going