Use of Microscope P 35-40
Use both hands to hold and move a microscope. Make sure all switches are off. Make sure no slide on the microscope. Plug in Turn on the light Turn the objective table (載物台) to the lowest position. Place the slide on.
Use the 10X lens first. Adjust the eyepiece lens. See your specimens. Use the 40X lens. Use the 100X oil lens. Adjust aperture (光圈) and light. 大光圈,景深淺,需要強光。 光圈會影響顏色。
Observe your specimens. 先降載物台,再拿出玻片。 MUST clean the lens with solvent and lens paper. 清潔 鏡頭、載物台、顯微鏡身。 鏡頭一定要用拭鏡紙清潔。 顯微鏡身可以用一般紙加酒精去除染劑。
Return microscope Must 10X lens 載物台在最低位置 Light is off and on the lowest power position. Every piece of the microscope MUST be clean.