The Role of Parents in the Moral Development of the Child 儿童道德发展中父母的角色
一个“好”孩子应具备哪些好的品质?我们是如何看待的? What are the qualities that we may define as characteristics of a “good” child? 一个“好”孩子应具备哪些好的品质?我们是如何看待的?
Qualities of parents with “great” children (ie destined to become rich and famous) “优秀”儿童的父母所具备的品质(这里的优秀指将来成为富有而又有名声的人) Intelligent 聪明 Talk and play a lot 喜欢说,喜欢玩 Understand verbal and non-verbal communication 能进行口头或书面语的交流 Nurture 养育孩子 Toys, activities, experiences 准备玩具、活动和各种体验活动 Teach skills directly 直接教给技能
Qualities of parents with “good” children “好”儿童的父母所具备的品质 authoritative – children listen to them (listening to parents by age 5 predictive; parents whose children don’t listen to them are often this way because they have disharmony of thought, word and deed – say one thing and mean another) 命令式的——孩子必须听父母的(到5岁时就应听从父母,那些孩子不听父母话的家长经常是无法思、言、行不一致,即说的是一件事,指的又是另一件事。)
teach discrimination between right and wrong 教孩子不公正地对待正确的事情与错误的事情。 raise loving children 过分宠爱孩子 teach children to think before acting (impulsivity is probably the most important predictor of a child’s future) 教孩子三思而后行(冲动性往往可能成为影响孩子未来发展的一个最重要因素。)
“父亲和母亲是儿童在学会模仿之前所看到的社会行为的第一个榜样。” “The mother and father are the first examples of social behaviour that the child sees before it learns to imitate.” “父亲和母亲是儿童在学会模仿之前所看到的社会行为的第一个榜样。”
What is one important moral lesson you learnt from your mother and your father which you can say is an important part of your personality now?我们从父母身上学到了很多教训,有些可以说已 经成为了我们个性中的一部分,那么您从中学到的最 重要的一个道德教训是什么呢? Relate one childhood experience that has the maximum impact on your character. 谈一下对你的性格影响最深的一段童年经历。
What was the impact of your parents on your moral development? 父母在您的道德发展中有什么影响?
For what are you grateful to your father? 您最感激您父亲的是什么? And to your mother? 您最感激您母亲的是什么?
How is your child's experience of childhood and adolescence different from your own childhood? 您孩子的儿童时期与青少年时期与您自己的相比较而言,有什么不同呢?
How is your role as a mother and wife different than that of your own mother? 作为母亲和妻子,您与您自己的母亲有什么不同呢?
What is the influence of modern technology (e. g What is the influence of modern technology (e.g. TV, computers, mobile phones, fast food, frozen food etc.) on family life? 现代科技(例如电视、电脑、手机、快餐、速冻食物等)对家庭生活有什么影响呢?
How does your children's school help / hinder them in their moral development? 您孩子所上的学校是如何帮助或者妨碍他的道德发展的?
At which stage did you start your child's moral education? 您是从哪个阶段开始对孩子实施道德教育的?
The higher path must be trodden from childhood; it cannot be adopted at an advanced stage. The child must learn to be truthful in thought, word and deed. Later, boys and girls have to become conscious directors of their senses, instead of being automatic slaves.” -Sathya Sai Baba 冰冻三尺非一日之寒,对孩子的教育必须从童年时期抓起。孩子必须学会在思想、言语以及行为上做到诚实。之后,男孩和女孩才将成为他们意识的主导者,而不是无意识的奴隶。 ——塞斯亚•赛•巴巴
What does saying "No" teach a child? “说不”能教给孩子什么呢?
How did each of your parents handle stress and disappointment How did each of your parents handle stress and disappointment. How does this compare to the strategies you use? 说说您父母中的其中一位是如何处理压力和失望这种情形的?比较一下他们和您自己使用的策略,看看有什么发现。
What have been the changes in your child towards adolescence? 在您由儿童转变为青少年时发生了哪些变化?
How would you handle this situation? 您会在遇到下面情境时如何处理? Your adolescent daughter lost her temper during discussion with you but after a while has come to apologize. You had felt harshly judged and were hurt. You went away feeling misunderstood. The argument was about her wanting to go out with her friends before doing her homework. 您的女儿(已是青少年)在与您讨论关于做作业和与朋友出去玩的矛盾问题时发了脾气,没过多久又向你道歉。可您已经觉得深受伤害,带着一种被误会的感觉离开了。
Insights :What have you learned or thought about in a different way during today’s workshop? 自我反思:在今天的研讨活动中您学到了什么?产生了什么新的思考? Action plan:What new thing are you going to try out with your family from now until the next workshop? 行动计划:从现在开始,直到下次活动前,您将会尝试做哪些新的活动,采取什么新的行动?