Unit 2 My favourite season is spring.


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 2 My favourite season is spring. Module 4 Unit 2 My favourite season is spring. 新标准英语 一年级起点五年级下册

Let’s chant! I can ______in _____. I love _____with _____.

Listen and fill in the boxes. Name Season Weather Clothes Activity Amy spring shirt Daming hot Lingling sweater Sam play with the snow

leaf leaves

Group work

Make a survey. Name Season Weather Clothes Activity

Let’s make a chant! I love _____. The temperature is _____. In _____ it is _____. _______________.

Let’s practise!

Homework 选择中国或外国的一个城市描述该城市的四季特征,及孩子们分别在四季中喜爱的活动,介绍给全班。