Construction Engineering and Management Construction engineering/technology relates to the methods or techniques used to place the physical materials and elements of construction at the job site. (e.g., placing concrete, driving a tunnel) Construction management addresses how the resources available to the manager can be best applied. (Construction management is the art of directing and coordinating human and material resources throughout the life of a project by using modern management techniques to achieve predetermined objectives of scope, cost, time, quality and participation satisfaction.)
Comparisons of Terminologies CE&M: Construction Engineering and Management CM: Construction Management PM: Program Management PM: Project Management PCM: Professional Construction Management CPM: Construction Project Management QS: Quantity Surveying Site Management
Influence Curve (影響曲線) Ability to Influence Construction Cost Over Time Early in the project life cycle, cost is lower and more easily influenced, because alternatives about cost can be chosen. (在專案生命週期的早期,成本較低且較容易影響,因為可選擇不同的方案。)
Project Life Cycle of a Constructed Facility
生命週期 概念與可行性研究階段(Conceptual Planning and Feasibility Study) 通常由業主委託專業工程顧問公司負責執行可分為: 概念分析(Conceptual Analysis) 技術可行性分析(Technical Feasibility Analysis) 經濟可行性分析(Economic Feasibility Analysis) 環境影響評估(Environmental Impact Evaluation)
初步與細部設計階段(Schematic Design and Engineering) 由業主本身或委託專業工程顧問公司執行 初步設計 概念性及全面性之設計及成本概算 細部設計 詳細執行工程專案之硬體結構設計及成本估算 招標發包(採購)階段(Procurement) 業主招商承攬,承包商投標競標
完工與驗收階段(Start-up and Implementation) 施工階段(Construction) 業主負責監督、檢核及修正承包商實際執行工程專案之成果,以使工程專案符合品質及進度之要求 完工與驗收階段(Start-up and Implementation) 營運與使用階段(Operation and Maintenance)
Managing trade-offs (Lucio Soibelman, 2001) THREE GOALS OF A PROJECT: Performance, Cost, and Time Project Targets
S-Curve (Lucio Soibelman, 2001) Slow-rapid-slow progress. Minimal effort is required at the beginning but increasing effort in the early stages of the life cycle will improve the chances of project success. “Projects progress quickly until they become 90% complete, then they remain at 90% complete forever.”
Uncertainty associated with project cost (Lucio Soibelman, 2001)
Estimates of project costs: Estimates made at times t0, t1 and t2 (Lucio Soibelman, 2001)
Life cycle strategic and tactical issues (Lucio Soibelman, 2001) “A carelessly planned project will take three times longer to complete than expected; a carefully planned project will take only twice as long.”
工程經濟學發源於1887年:A. M. Wellington, Economic theory of railway location。 工程經濟學又稱為資金分配理論(capital allocation theory)、生命週期成本(life cycle costing)、財務決策分析(financial decision analysis)、管理經濟(managerial economics)。 其基本理論在於提供決策者一套計量決策模式,以幫助決策者在面對各種不同投資計畫中,做最佳的選擇。 工程經濟學偏重於長期投資(如政府興建高速公路或投資大型機具設備),財務管理則較注重公司的資金運作(如股票市場的分析)。 資料來源:[賴士葆、1995]