Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation?


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation? 单元清

英语中的动词按其过去式的构成方式可分为规则动词和不规则动词。规则动词的过去式由词尾­ed构成,而不规则动词的变化因词而异。 1.规则动词过去式的构成和发音: 一般的动词,直接加­ed,如: watch→watched;help→helped;work→worked 以字母e结尾的规则动词,只加­d,如: love→loved;live→lived;arrive→arrived 以辅音字母加y结尾的动词,变y为i,再加­ed,如: study→studied;cry→cried;worry→worried 以重读闭音节结尾的动词,末尾只有一个辅音字母,先双写这个辅音字母,再 加­ed,如: shop→shopped;stop→stopped 读音规则注意:清辅音后读/t/;浊辅音和元音后读/d/;辅音/t/与/d/后读/Id/。 规则动词过去式构成歌诀 过去式构成有规律,一般词尾加­ed。 如若词尾有个e,直接加­d就可以。 辅音字母y结尾,变y为i加­ed。 一辅重闭作尾巴,双写之后加­ed。

2.不规则动词的过去式的变化各异,需要特殊记忆,每个不规则动词的变换形式, 都必须牢记。不规则动词的过去式变化没有统一的规则,但并非一点规律也没 有,下面我们就介绍一部分动词过去式的记忆规律。 (1)动词的过去式与动词原形一样。 let→let,put→put,read→read,cut→cut等。 (2)遇见i改为a。 swim→swam,sing→sang,begin→began,sit→sat,give→gave,drink→drank 助记:游泳(swim)唱歌(sing)后,开始(begin)坐(sit)下来,给(give)点喝(drink)的 吧,i就变成a。 (3)过去式以ought和aught结尾的单词。 bring→brought,buy→bought,think→thought,catch→caught,teach→taught

(4)中间去e末尾加t。 feel→felt,keep→kept,sleep→slept,sweep→swept,meet→met, feed→fed 助记:动词中间两个e,去掉一个后加t;d来结尾,去e之后不加t。 (5)把i变为o。 ride→rode,drive→drove,write→wrote 助记:动词过去式变i为o的单词:“骑(马)”“开(车)”“写(字)”。 (6)ow/aw变为ew。 know→knew,grow→grew,throw→threw,draw→drew (7)以d结尾的词,把d变成t。 build→built,lend→lent,send→sent,spend→spent

◆写作案例 暑假里,Nick的爸爸带着他和小狗Cookie去美丽的红山(Red Mountain)玩,他们在那里度过了快乐的一天。请根据下表写一篇60词左右的短文向大家介绍他们的旅行。 ◆思路点拨 该题要求学生运用一般过去时来叙述发生在过去的事情。写作时,要先交代时间、人物、地点;再按时间顺序写出活动内容;最后,写旅行的感受。 A holiday trip In the morning Went hiking,Took photos At noon Had a picnic(野餐) In the afternoon Went boating

◆高分模板 开篇点题:尼克的爸爸及他的小狗去红山→took him and their dog Cookie to... 旅游经历:in the morning → went hiking at noon → in the picnic in the afternoon →went boating 所感所思→a happy trip ◆美文欣赏 During the summer holiday, Nick's father took him and their dog Cookie to Red Mountain. It's a beautiful place. They had a happy trip there. In the morning , they went hiking and took many photos on the way. At noon,they had a picnic. In the afternoon, they went boating. It was dark and they had to go home. It was really a happy trip!