專題討論 (Seminar) 授課老師: 游政谷 Seminar(3)
Seeder-feeder mechanism 種雲播雲機制 高雲(seeder cloud) 低雲 (feeder cloud)
2. Upslope condensation (上坡風凝結機制)
dBZ Low-level PPI of radar reflectivity Orographic Rainband(OR) --- Quasi-stationary --- Orientation closely linked to the terrain feature Typhoon Rainband(TR) --- Fast movement --- Curved feature dBZ
3. Upslope triggering (上坡風激發機制)
4.25 km Dual-Doppler Analysis 0720 UTC SCT UT NCFR
4. Upstream triggering (上游減速激發機制)
鋒前西南氣流受地形阻礙影響轉成偏南風 (Yu and Smull 2000)
Contours of cross-barrier flow component
5. Thermal triggering (熱力激發機制)
中午時刻在山脊附近發展的積雲 (攝於宜蘭省道,雪山山脈南側)
6. Lee-side triggering (背風面激發機制)
在較小的Froude number環境下, 美國華盛頓州奧林匹克山背風面之輻合 (Mass 1981)
7. Lee-side enhancement by gravity waves (透過重力波在背風面的加強機制)