管理學作業ch9 Internet-based exercise (p.217): 三個組織之組織圖,其優缺點、比較異同。 9753009吳姿逸 9733063晏美鳳
Self-introduction 晏美鳳 工業工程與管理系 二年級 Crazy Part-time girl !! 緬甸華僑 紐約輕食Waitress 歡迎光臨!
Self-introduction 吳姿逸 管理科學系二年 級 Cheer Leader! ASUS Campus CEO 精采創新 完美品 質
Functional Structure –史邁爾公司
Functional Structure (功能性結構) 將相似或相關工作專長的員工歸在一起的組織設計 以功能的不同做為組織劃分不門的方式 Strengths: Cost-saving advantages from specialization (economies of scale , minimal duplication of people and equipment); employees are grouped with others who have similar tasks. Weaknesses: Pursuit of functional goals can cause managers to lose sight of what’s best for the overall organization; functional specialists become insulted and have little understanding of what other units are doing.
Divisional Structure –大同公司
Divisional Structure (部門性結構) 由不同的單元或事業部所組成的組織結構 Strengths: Focuses on results—divison managers are responsible for what happens to their products and services. Weaknesses: Duplication of activities and resources increases costs and reduces efficiency.
Matrix Structure —統一實業
Matrix Structure (矩陣式結構) 從不同功能部門調集人手組成團隊 員工在專案中不停轉換,完成一個專案後再繼續其 它的專案 Advantages: Fluid and flexible design that can respond to environmental changes. Faster decision making. Disadvantages: Complexity of assigning people to projects. Task and personality conflicts.
比較 Functional Structure Divisional Structure Matrix and Project Structures 優點 專業分工→節省成本 注重結果→對其產品、服務負責 彈性、多變性→快速做決策 缺點 管理者迷失整體最家目標, 各功能部門員工對其他部門運作無所知悉 行動與資源重複,增加成本、減低效率 工作分派較複雜,任務與個性可能產生衝突