在耶稣的脚前 At Your Feet Stream of Praise.


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Presentation transcript:

在耶稣的脚前 At Your Feet Stream of Praise

At Your feet I bow down, and worship You alone 在耶稣的脚前 At Your Feet 在耶稣的脚前,谦卑屈膝敬拜, At Your feet I bow down, and worship You alone 瞻仰主的荣面, Gaze upon Your face 1-V.1 Stream of Praise

At Your feet I bow down, and quietly I wait 在耶稣的脚前 At Your Feet 在耶稣的脚前,安静留心聆听, At Your feet I bow down, and quietly I wait 等候主的旨意。 Just to hear Your voice 1-V.2 Stream of Praise

在耶稣的脚前 在耶稣的脚前,放下一切挂虑, 完全相信,完全交託, At Your Feet 在耶稣的脚前,放下一切挂虑, At Your feet I pour out all my burdens and fears 完全相信,完全交託, For I know that I can trust in You 1-R.1 Stream of Praise

在耶稣的脚前 在耶稣的脚前,献上一切所有, 毫无保留,我敬拜祢。 At Your Feet 在耶稣的脚前,献上一切所有, At Your feet I lay down all I have, all I am 毫无保留,我敬拜祢。 Jesus, You are the King of kings 1-R.2 Stream of Praise