Salem, Good Morning 大家早上平安


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Presentation transcript:

Salem, Good Morning 大家早上平安

THIS WEEK’S READING 这一周读经 February 5th, 2012 THIS WEEK’S READING 这一周读经 Righteousness of Go Righteousness of d 神的义

THIS WEEK’S READING 这一周读经 The Exhortation to Humility February 5th, 2011 THIS WEEK’S READING 这一周读经 The Exhortation to Humility 激励行为应谦虚 Righteousness of Go Righteousness of d 神的义

The Exhortation to Humility Word of Promise应许的话 The Exhortation to Humility 激励行为应谦虚 Philippians 2 : 1 - 4 If you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, (v.1) 腓利比书 2 : 1 - 4 所以在基督里若 有什么劝勉,爱 心有什么安慰, 圣灵有什么交通, 心中有什么慈悲 怜悯, (1节)

The Exhortation to Humility Word of Promise应许的话 The Exhortation to Humility 激励行为应谦虚 Philippians 2 : 1 - 4 then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose. (v.2) 腓利比书 2 : 1 - 4 你们就要意念相 同,爱心相同, 有一样的心思, 有一样的意念, 使我们的喜乐可 以满足。 (2节)

The Exhortation to Humility Word of Promise应许的话 The Exhortation to Humility 激励行为应谦虚 Philippians 2 : 1 - 4 Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. (v.3) 腓利比书 2 : 1 - 4 凡事不可结党, 不可贪图虚浮的 荣耀。只要存心 谦卑,各人看别 人比自己强。 (3节)

The Exhortation to Humility Word of Promise应许的话 The Exhortation to Humility 激励行为应谦虚 Philippians 2 : 1 - 4 Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.. (v.4) 腓利比书 2 : 1 - 4 各人不要单顾 自己的事,也 要顾别人的事。 (4节)

February 5th, 2012 AMEN 啊们