O Zion, Haste, Thy Mission High Fulfilling S468 信徒奮興 1/3


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Presentation transcript:

O Zion, Haste, Thy Mission High Fulfilling S468 信徒奮興 1/3 信徒奮興,快將福音去傳揚, O Zion, haste, thy mission high fulfilling, 普告天下,惟有真神是光; To tell to all the world that God is light; 使人知道,真神不願人沉淪, That He who made all nations is not willing 不願有一人,黑暗裡滅亡. One should perish, lost in shades of night. 傳揚好信息,和平福音, Publish glad tidings, tidings of peace, 傳揚主耶穌己經救贖罪人.阿門. Tidings of Jesus, redemption, and release. Amen

快去傳講,向萬族萬國萬邦, 真神是愛,是世人的保障; 為救罪人, 虛已降生到人間, 釘死十架上,使人進天堂. 傳揚好信息,和平福音, S468 信徒奮興 2/3 快去傳講,向萬族萬國萬邦, Proclaim to every people, tongue, and nation 真神是愛,是世人的保障; That God in whom they live and move is love; 為救罪人, 虛已降生到人間, Tell how He stooped to save His lost creation, 釘死十架上,使人進天堂. And died on earth that man might live above. 傳揚好信息,和平福音, Publish glad tidings, tidings of peace, 傳揚主耶穌己經救贖罪人.阿門. Tidings of Jesus, redemption, and release. Amen

傳揚好信息,和平福音, 傳揚主耶穌己經救贖罪人.阿門. 差遣子女,去傳榮耀的福音, 奉獻金錢,差他們到遠方; 恒切代禱,幫助他們打勝仗, S468 信徒奮興 3/3 差遣子女,去傳榮耀的福音, Give of thy sons to bear the message glorious, 奉獻金錢,差他們到遠方; Give of thy wealth to speed them on their way; 恒切代禱,幫助他們打勝仗, Pour out thy soul for them in prayer victorious, 今日你奉獻,來日必蒙賞. And haste the coming of the glorious day. 傳揚好信息,和平福音, Publish glad tidings, tidings of peace, 傳揚主耶穌己經救贖罪人.阿門. Tidings of Jesus, redemption, and release. Amen