UNIT THREE Chapter Outline Taking a Career Break 工作前或工作一段時間後的休息 補充說明1: break 休息 (例如, lunch break)/ career 職業/可搭配take(V)(動詞)
(I.) Introduction (WHO/ WHEN/ WHAT) 在工作前或工作一段時間後的休息的人們/ 休息時所從事的事情) WHO WHEN TO DO WHAT? young people 年輕人 before they start their career 在開始(正式)工作前 *文化補充說明:很多外國的年輕人會在大學畢業後,正式開始工作前去旅遊(見識一下世界) workers 員工 (30s, 40s, or 50s) 30, 40, 50幾歲 a few months or a year off work 在工作之間休息一個月/ 或是(甚至)一年 (A) traveling旅遊 (B) volunteer work 志工 (C) learn a new language 學習新的語言 OTHER fulfill some other lifelong dream 達到一些其他的終身夢想 補充說明: lifelong 一身那麼長久的
(II.) First Paragraph (工作前或工作一段時間後的休息可豐富生活 (enrich your life), 但是需要勇氣(takes courage))。 *ADVANTAGE: an opportunity to (A) discover the world and (B) discover new talents in yourself. 提供一個發現世界(多美麗)和發現(自我)新才華的機會 補充說明: (工作面試後通常會說: Thank you for this opportunity! (機會:指面試機會) I look forward to hearing from you soon!) *BUT: need to overcome the fear of not finding a job 必須克服找不到工作的恐懼(當你從回工作崗位時)
(III.) Second Paragraph (WHEN) (A)take the break between jobs(在舊工作結束後/新的工作開始前)OR (B) take an extended leave from work請一個長時間的假期 (C) before starting a family (成家前)OR (D) wait until the children have grown up (等小孩都長大後)
(IV.) Conclusion (給下定決心要take a career break(休假) 讀者的見意) *keep social network in place/ keep in touch with employer, co-workers and friends. 人際關係/社交網要保持好 (也就是要跟老闆,同事跟 朋友維持聯繫)。