Reality and prospect of


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Presentation transcript:

Reality and prospect of Disclaimer: The views expressed in this document are those of the author, and do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of the Asian Development Bank (ADB), its Board of Directors, or the governments they represent. ADB does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this document, and accept no responsibility for any consequence of their use. By making any designation or reference to a particular territory or geographical area, or by using the term “country” in this document, ADB does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area Reality and prospect of social assistance 2015.12

Contents First Second Third Status and Achievements Review and Prospect Third Ideas and Initiatives

The status and achievements 1. The amount of the Dibao recipients in 2011-2015 The amount of the Dibao(urban) recipients in 2011-2015

The status and achievements 1. The amount of the Dibao recipients in 2011-2015 The amount of the Dibao(rural) recipients in 2011-2015

The status and achievements 2. The dynamic changes of the Dibao in five years The dynamic changes of the Dibao(urban) in 2011-2015

The status and achievements 2. The dynamic changes of the Dibao in five years The dynamic changes of the Dibao(urban) in 2011-2015

Minimum living standard The status and achievements 3.The contrast between urban and rural minimum living standards and related indicator Ⅰ district Ⅱ district Ⅲ district The minimum wage 1300 1050 900 Minimum living standard 492 Percentage 37.85 46.86 54.67

The status and achievements 3.The contrast between urban and rural minimum living standards and related indicator indicator:unit(yuan) 2011 2012 2013 level of urban residents 'consumption 20560 23065 25161 The urban minimum living standard 310 370 412 Percentage 18.09 19.25 19.65

The status and achievements 3.The contrast between urban and rural minimum living standards and related indicator Indicator:unit(yuan) 2011 2012 2013 level of rural residents 'consumption 7221 8652 10417 The rural minimum living standard 1930 2448 2737 Percentage 26.73 28.29 26.27

The status and achievements 4. The contrast between the rural minimum living standard and the poverty line At present, the rural minimum living standard is higher than the poverty line (3080/year) in Liaoning province expect the following counties. ——The rural minimum living standard ——The local poverty line Jinzhou Fuxin Chaoyang Huludao

The status and achievements Conclusion: 1. Moderate coverage Reference to the 5% correspond to the Liaoning’s position which is in transition zone of the Eastern and Central, China, and Liaoning’s high level of urbanization. 2. Targeted assistance The high rate of change reflects that the assistance is targeted. 3. Appropriate standard The minimum living standard is 38-55% of minimum wage and 18-27% of per capita income, which indicates standard is appropriate.

The status and achievements Conclusion: 4. The intensity of assistance adapts to the economic and social development The recipients of Dibao is decreasing year by year, which reflects our social welfare system is improving and economic is developing. 5. Social assistance links with the poverty alleviation According to the situation of Liaoning, we predict that by 2018 (or 2019 at the latest), all the minimum living standard in rural area will be higher than the local poverty line. The implementation of Dibao guarantees the basic living of the poor (without freezing and hungry), ease their special difficulties and help solve their emergency problem.

Review and prospect Social assistance is a system that the government and society offer one-way, free assistance to disadvantaged group to meet their basic needs. Review of social assistance Administration according to law Establish emergency mechanism regulate management

Review and prospect Social assistance is a system that the government and society offer one-way, free assistance to disadvantaged group to meet their basic needs. Characteristics of China's social assistance 1. Social assistance system first 2. Start with emergency measures 3. Highlight the concept of treatment 4. Assistance without application 5. Traditional methods 6. Only consider income 7. Focus on solving common problems

Review and prospect Social assistance is a system that the government and society offer one-way, free assistance to disadvantaged group to meet their basic needs. Understanding of the new requirements for social assistance in the new stage 1. the new function orientation—guaranting the basic needs, solving the Emergency problem and being responsible for the bottom line 2. the new focus—maintaining fair 3. the new focus– helping solve the emergency problem 4. the new methods-—financial support, psychological comfort, social work and other comprehensive assistance

Concepts and initiatives legal concept System concept human rights concept

Concepts and Initiatives Diversity Legaliz-ation Inform-ation Diversity: Dibao household, traditional target population (sectoral plan), a specific beneficiaries (the old, disabled, and the poor whose spending on major diseases are far higher than income), Dibao edge (compared with the Dibao household), Distress relief object (Dibao household encounter sudden difficulty, natural and man-made disasters, business failure, poor people in the major security incidents or groups incidents, poor people who suffer specific diseases or encounter special misfortune). Legalization: family income checking provides legal basis for the management of object. Information: strengthen information construction and standardized management means of Dibao.



壹 贰 叁

1.五年来低保人数变化表 2011-2015年城市低保人数变化表

1.五年来低保人数变化表 2011-2015年农村低保人数变化表

2.五年来低保动态管理表 2011-2015年城市低保动态变化表

2.五年来低保动态管理表 2011-2015年农村低保动态变化表

3.城乡低保标准与相关指标对照表 一类地区 二类地区 三类地区 最低工资标准 1300 1050 900 低保标准 492 分别占比 37.85 46.86 54.67

3.城乡低保标准与相关指标对照表 项目:单位(元) 2011年 2012年 2013年 城镇居民消费水平 20560 23065 25161 城市低保标准 310 370 412 占比 18.09 19.25 19.65

3.城乡低保标准与相关指标对照表 项目:单位(元) 2011年 2012年 2013年 农村居民消费水平 7221 8652 10417 农村低保标准 1930 2448 2737 占比 26.73 28.29 26.27

4.农村低保标准与扶贫标准对照表 目前,我省除以下县区外,其他地区农村低保标准均高于扶贫线3080元/年。

结论: 1.救助面适度 以5%为参照系,符合辽宁在全国东部 中部过渡带的地位,也与辽宁城镇化 水平高相适应。 2.救助针对性较强 动态率如此之高,说明低保的针对性是比较强的。 3.救助标准适当 城市低保标准占最低工资的38-55%,城乡 低保标准占人均收入的18-27%。说明保障标准 适度。

结论: 4.救助强度与经济社会发展相适应 低保对象逐年减少,说明我们的社保体系 在完善,经济在逐步发展。 5.救助与扶贫工作相衔接 从辽宁的实际情况看,我们预测,到2018年,最迟在2019年,农村低保标准会全面超过当地扶贫标准。

(一)社会救助工作的发展历程 应急建制期 规范管理期 依法管理期

(二)我国社会救助工作比较性特征 1.救助制度先行 2.应急措施起步 3.待遇观念突出 4.“不求也救” 5.手段传统 6.只考虑收入 7.注重解决共性问题

(三)对社会救助工作新阶段新要求的理解 1.新的功能定位——保基本、救急难、兜底线 2.新的着眼点——维护公平 3.新的着力点——救助特殊困难 4.新的手段——经济补助、心理慰藉、社会工作等综合救助

理念: 法治 理念 系统 理念 人权 理念

举措: 差异化 法制化 信息化 差异化:低保户、传统对象(分类救助)、特定对象(老、残,或 因重大疾病支出远高于收入)、低保边缘户(比照低保对象)、急难对象 (低保对象又突发困难、天灾人祸、事业创业失败、重大安全事故或群体 性事件中的特困对象、患有特殊疾病或遭遇特殊变故)。 法制化:通过家庭收入核对为低保对象管理提供法制化基础。 信息化:加强信息化建设,强化低保规范化管理手段。
