永久磐石為我開 讓我藏身在祢懷 願祢所流水與血 解決我的眾罪孽 贖我免去罪永刑 救我脫離罪權柄


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Presentation transcript:

永久磐石為我開 讓我藏身在祢懷 願祢所流水與血 解決我的眾罪孽 贖我免去罪永刑 救我脫離罪權柄 永久磐石 Rock of Age, Cleft for Me Rock of A-ges, cleft for me, Let me hide my-self in Thee; Let the wa-ter and the blood, From Thy wound-ed side which flowed, Be of sin the dou-ble cure, Save from wrath and make me pure 永久磐石為我開 讓我藏身在祢懷 願祢所流水與血 解決我的眾罪孽 贖我免去罪永刑 救我脫離罪權柄 1/3

縱我雙手不罷休 不能滿足祢要求 縱我熱心能持久 縱我眼淚永遠流 仍不足以贖愆尤 必須祢來施拯救 2 Could my tears for-ev-er flow, Could my zeal no lan-guor know, Theses for sin could not a –tone- Thou must save, and Thou a-lone: In my hand no price I bring, Sim-ply to Thy cross I cling. 縱我雙手不罷休 不能滿足祢要求 縱我熱心能持久 縱我眼淚永遠流 仍不足以贖愆尤 必須祢來施拯救 2/3

當我此生年日逝 當我臨終閉目時 當我飛進永世間 當我到祢寶座前 永久磐石為我開 讓我藏身在祢懷 3 While I draw this fi-nal breath, When my eyes shall close in death, When I rise to worlds un-known, And be-hold Thee on Thy throne, Rock of A-ges, cleft for me, Let me hide my-self in Thee. 當我此生年日逝 當我臨終閉目時 當我飛進永世間 當我到祢寶座前 永久磐石為我開 讓我藏身在祢懷 3/3