Resolving Conflicts 解决冲突 Introduction: Why do we have conflicts? 介绍:为什么我们会发生冲突?
Resolving Conflicts 解决冲突 Introduction: Why do we have conflicts? 介绍:为什么我们会发生冲突? A. Basic differences between men and women (Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus.) 男人和女人的基本区别 (男人来自火 星,女人来自金星)
B. Differences in personality types 个性的区别
What type are you? 你是哪种类型?
What type are you? 你是哪种类型?
What type are you? 你是哪种类型 ?
B. Differences in personality types 个性的区别 1. Sanguine - 乐天型
B. Differences in personality types 个性的区别 1. Sanguine - 乐天型 2. Choleric - 急躁型
B. Differences in personality types 个性的区别 1. Sanguine - 乐天型 2. Choleric - 急躁型 3. Melancholy - 忧郁型
B. Differences in personality types 个性的区别 1. Sanguine - 乐天型 2. Choleric - 急躁型 3. Melancholy - 忧郁型 4. Phlegmatic - 冷静型
Resolving Conflicts 解决冲突 Two aspects of communication 交流的两个方面
Resolving Conflicts 解决冲突 Two aspects of communication 交流的两个方面 1. Relationship/communication types 关系/交流的类型
Resolving Conflicts 解决冲突 Two aspects of communication 交流的两个方面 1. Relationship/communication types 关系/交流的类型 2. Resolving conflicts. 解决冲突
I. Relationship/Communication Pyramid 关系/交流金字塔
Different Levels of Friendship & Communication 友谊和交往的不同阶段
Different Levels of Friendship & Communication 友谊和交往的不同阶段 Contacts – Multitudes 联系多种多样 [Small talk] 闲聊
Different Levels of Friendship & Communication 友谊和交往的不同阶段 Acquaintances – Many 相识 许多 [Facts] 事实 Contacts – Multitudes 联系多种多样 [Small talk] 闲聊
Different Levels of Friendship & Communication 友谊和交往的不同阶段 Good, close friends 亲密的好朋友 [Ideas, Opinions] 思想观点 Acquaintances – Many 相识 许多 [Facts] 事实 Contacts – Multitudes 联系多种多样 [Small talk] 闲聊
Different Levels of Friendship & Communication 友谊和交往的不同阶段 Committed Friends 忠实的朋友 [Feelings, heart] 用心投入感情 Good, close friends 亲密的好朋友 [Ideas, Opinions] 思想观点 Acquaintances – Many 相识 许多 [Facts] 事实 Contacts – Multitudes 联系多种多样 [Small talk] 闲聊
I. Relationship/Communication Pyramid 关系/交流金字塔
I. Relationship/Communication Pyramid 关系/交流金字塔 II. Understanding Levels of Relationships 理解关系的层次
I. Relationship/Communication Pyramid 关系/交流金字塔 II. Understanding Levels of Relationships 理解关系的层次 A. We need to know what the different levels of relationships are. 我们需要理解关系交往的不同层次是 什么。
B. The story of three girls 三个女孩儿的故事
Questions: Do you think Kathy was right in doing this? Why or why not? 你认为凯茜这样做对吗?为什么对,为什么不对? Do you think Susie was right to leave without giving Kathy a chance to explain her attitude? 你认为苏茜不给凯茜机会解释自己的态度就离开对吗?
Questions: Do you think Jane was right to agree with Susie? 你认为珍妮赞同苏茜这样做对吗? What would you do to resolve this situation? 如果是你,你会怎样做?
B. The story of three girls 三个女孩儿的故事 C. Conflict is not bad, we just need to know how to handle it! 有冲突并不是坏事,重要的是我 们需要知道怎样来解决。
“The deeper a relationship gets, the more possible it is that conflicts will happen.” “你们之间的关系越深,冲突越有可能发生”
“The deeper a relationship gets, the more possible it is that conflicts will happen.” “你们之间的关系越深,冲突越有可能发生” “Unresolved conflicts can ruin a relationship.” “冲突不解决会影响你们的关系。”
III. The four reactions 四种反应
III. The four reactions 四种反应 A. Withdrawal 退缩
III. The four reactions 四种反应 A. Withdrawal 退缩 B. I win. You lose. 我胜你败
III. The four reactions 四种反应 A. Withdrawal 退缩 B. I win. You lose. 我胜你败 C. Yielding 让步
III. The four reactions 四种反应 A. Withdrawal 退缩 B. I win. You lose. 我胜你败 C. Yielding 让步 D. Compromise 折衷
IV. Dealing with conflict 应对冲突
IV. Dealing with conflict 应对冲突 A. Mutual agreement – three important factors 达成共识
IV. Dealing with conflict 应对冲突 A. Mutual agreement – three important factors 达成共识 1. Attitude 态度
IV. Dealing with conflict 应对冲突 A. Mutual agreement – three important factors 达成共识 1. Attitude 态度 2. Approach 方法
3. Action 行动
3. Action 行动 Focus on: 焦注: Rather than: 而非:
3. Action 行动 Focus on: 焦注: Rather than: 而非: One issue 一件事 Many issues 多件事
3. Action 行动 Focus on: 焦注: Rather than: 而非: One issue 一件事 Many issues 多件事 The problem问题本身 The person 人
3. Action 行动 Focus on: 焦注: Rather than: 而非: One issue 一件事 Many issues 多件事 The problem问题本身 The person 人 Behavior 行为 Character 品格
Focus on: 焦注: Rather than: 而非:
Focus on: 焦注: Rather than: 而非: Specifics 特殊性 Generalizations 一般性
Focus on: 焦注: Rather than: 而非: Specifics 特殊性 Generalizations 一般性 Expression of Judgment of feelings 情感表达 character 论断品行
Focus on: 焦注: Rather than: 而非: Specifics 特殊性 Generalizations 一般性 Expression of Judgment of feelings 情感表达 character 论断品行 “I” statements “You” statements 用“我”陈述 用“你”陈述
Focus on: 焦注: Rather than: 而非:
Focus on: 焦注: Rather than: 而非: Observation of Judgments of facts 观察事实 motive 论断动机
Focus on: 焦注: Rather than: 而非: Observation of Judgments of facts 观察事实 motive 论断动机 Mutual understanding Who’s winning or互相体谅 losing 谁输谁赢
V. Practical application 实际应用
V. Practical application 实际应用 A. Case Studies 案例研究
V. Practical application 实际应用 A. Case Studies 案例研究 B. Choose an area of your life where you will begin using these principles in your relationships. 在你的生活中选择一个领域的关系并 开始使用这些原则。