2004中美生物醫學工程國際研討會 ------ 與大師對談 2004中美生物醫學工程國際研討會 ------ 與大師對談 生物醫學工程乃結合生命科學、工程科技,應用於臨床醫學的新興學科。其研究領域從奈米生醫材料,醫學影像資訊,至人工臟器、關節無不包括。本次研習會邀請旅美大師級學者作數場精闢演講,祈能促進與提昇我國在此領域更深廣的研究,及厚植人材培育。 議程 First Day (6/23) Second Day (6/24) 8:30~9:00 Registration Dr. K. Kirk Shung (熊克平 教授) High Frequency Ultrasonic Imaging 9:00~9:30 Opening Remarks 9:30~10:20 1. NSC-funded BME Research (孫永年 教授) 2. NHRI-funded BME Research (黃煥常 主任) Dr. Michael R. Yen (顏榮次 教授) Human Pulmonary Blood Flow Studied As An Engineering System 10:20~10:40 COFFEE BREAK Coffee break 10:40~11:30 Dr. Shu Chien (錢煦 院士) Education and Research of Biomedical Engineering in USA Dr. Kam W. Leong(梁錦榮 教授) Biofunctional Fibrous Scaffolds for Tissue Engineering 11:30~12:20 1.Education and Research of Biomedical Engineering in Taiwan (楊順聰、王士豪) 2. Discussion Role of Mechanical Forces in Signal Transduction and Gene Regulation 12:20~13:40 Lunch 13:40~14:30 Dr. Savio L.Y. Woo (胡流源 院士) Contribution of Biomechanics to Clinical Practice in Orthopaedics Panel Discussion Open to any subjects related to biomedical engineering education and research, especially on the joint activities of participating PIs 14:40~15:30 Dr. Kai-Nan An (安介南 教授) Applications of Medical Imaging in Orthopedic Biomechanics 15:30~15:50 15:50~16:40 Dr. Ching-Chang Ko (柯慶昌 教授) Development of Biomimetic Nanotechnologies for Craniofacial Implants 16:40~17:30 Dr. Zhi-Pei Liang Model-Based Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Principles and Applications Coffee break & Social hour 18:00~21:00 Round table discussion and dinner Seeking for possible collaboration between labs 時間:2004年6月23~24日 地點:國立陽明大學學生活動中心第一會議室 主辦單位:行政院國家科學委員會 承辦單位:國立陽明大學 醫學工程研究所 / 研究發展處/醫工中心 線上報名:http://www.bmes.org.tw 研討會免費參加,Round table 報名費(含晚宴)壹仟元 聯絡人:蔡佳慧 Email: jeanie@bme.ym.edu.tw, TEL: 02-28218980, FAX: 02-28210847