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Presentation transcript:

WALKING IN RIGHTEOUSNESS (5) 20120728 Evening 20120728 Saturday Evening (#5)20120728 Evening WALKING IN RIGHTEOUSNESS (5) 秉行公義(五) RIGHTEOUSNESS – EVEN WHEN IT IS COSTLY 行義- 縱然代價高昂 1

20120728 Saturday Evening (#5)20120728 Evening Matthew 5:10-12 馬太福音 5:10-12 Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. “Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you. 為義受逼迫的人有福了!因為天國是他們的。「人若因我辱罵你們,逼迫你們,捏造各樣壞話毀謗你們,你們就有福了!應當歡喜快樂,因為你們在天上的賞賜是大的。在你們以前的先知,人也是這樣逼迫他們。」 2

20120728 Saturday Evening (#5)20120728 Evening Persecution 逼迫 “Perhaps the gravest under-publicized atrocity in the world is the persecution of Christians”. 『也許世界上所公佈最嚴重的暴行,就是基督徒所受的逼迫。』 “It is not generally appreciated that over 100,000 Christians a year are murdered because of their faith”. 一般人並沒意識到每年乃有十萬個以上的基督徒因為他們的信仰而被殺害。 3


20120728 Saturday Evening (#5)20120728 Evening 2 Timothy 3:12 “ Yes, and all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution”. 提後3:12『不但如此,凡立志在基督耶穌裏敬虔度日的也都要受逼迫。 』 You cannot walk in righteousness and avoid persecution. 你無法在行公義的同時能避免不受逼迫的 5

20120728 Saturday Evening (#5)20120728 Evening 1 Samuel 26:23 “The Lord rewards every man for his righteousness and faithfulness”.(NIV) 撒上26:23 『主賞賜信實正義的人』(現中譯) 6

20120728 Saturday Evening (#5)20120728 Evening persecuted for righteousness’ sake, -NOT – persecuted because of their faults 為義受逼迫,而「不是」由於自己的過錯 1 Peter 4 : 14-16 彼得前書4:14-16 NOT – persecuted because of “a cause” 不是-由於「一個原因」而受逼迫 7

20120728 Saturday Evening (#5)20120728 Evening Dietrich Bonhoeffer 20120728 Saturday Evening (#5)20120728 Evening 潘霍華 8

BUT – persecuted for righteousness’s sake 20120728 Saturday Evening (#5)20120728 Evening 20120728 Evening BUT – persecuted for righteousness’s sake 但-為義受逼迫 Persecute 逼迫 Revile 辱罵 This persecution can be verbal, physical, and mental. 這逼迫可以是言語上、身體上和精神上的 9

BUT – persecuted for righteousness’s sake 20120728 Saturday Evening (#5)20120728 Evening 20120728 Evening BUT – persecuted for righteousness’s sake 但-為義受逼迫 Why are the righteous persecuted? 為何義人會受逼迫? Because righteousness convicts men of sin. 因為義會使人確信自己有罪 10

Reasons to be encouraged by persecution :- 20120728 Saturday Evening (#5)20120728 Evening 20120728 Evening Reasons to be encouraged by persecution :- 鼓勵受逼迫的原因 for theirs is the kingdom of heaven 因為天國是他們的 Under royal rule 在王室統治之下 C.f. John 15 : 18 - 21 參看約15:18-21 11

Reasons to be encouraged by persecution :- 20120728 Saturday Evening (#5)20120728 Evening 20120728 Evening Reasons to be encouraged by persecution :- 鼓勵受逼迫的原因 Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven 應當歡喜快樂,因為你們在天上的賞賜是大的。 Psalm 16:11 詩篇16:11 Romans 8:18 羅8:18 12

20120728 Saturday Evening (#5)20120728 Evening Reasons to be encouraged by persecution :- 20120728 Saturday Evening (#5)20120728 Evening 鼓勵受逼迫的原因 Because this evil world system has ALWAYS persecuted the people of faith. 因為這個邪惡世界的體系總會逼迫信道的人 Jeremiah 38:9 耶利米書38:9 Amos 7:12 阿摩司書7:12 Daniel 3:16 但以理書3:16 13

20120728 Saturday Evening (#5)20120728 Evening Are you prepared to walk in righteousness no matter what the cost? 不管代價是甚麼,你準備好秉行公義嗎? 14

20120728 Saturday Evening (#5)20120728 Evening 15