祂是雅威 He Is Yahweh 是誰在水面上運行? 是誰手拖住晨星? 是誰將那黑夜挪去? 藉著日光來照明?


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Presentation transcript:

祂是雅威 He Is Yahweh 是誰在水面上運行? 是誰手拖住晨星? 是誰將那黑夜挪去? 藉著日光來照明? Who is moving on the waters 是誰手拖住晨星? Who is holding up the moon 是誰將那黑夜挪去? Who is peeling back the darkness 藉著日光來照明? With the burning light of noon  

是誰站立在高山上? 是誰坐落在地極? 是誰遠高過於諸天 為我心中的良人? Who is standing on the mountains Who is on the earth below 是誰遠高過於諸天 Who is bigger than the heavens 為我心中的良人? And the lover of my soul

* 創造天地, 祂是 Yahweh(雅威) 自有永有, 祂是 Yahweh(雅威) 萬主之主, 祂是 Yahweh(雅威) Creator God, He is Yahweh 自有永有, 祂是 Yahweh(雅威) The Great I Am, He is Yahweh 萬主之主, 祂是 Yahweh(雅威) The Lord of All, He is Yahweh

沙崙玫瑰, 祂是 Yahweh(雅威) 公義之子, 祂是 Yahweh(雅威) 三位一體, 祂是 Yahweh(雅威) Rose of Sharon, He is Yahweh 公義之子, 祂是 Yahweh(雅威) The Righteous Son, He is Yahweh 三位一體, 祂是 Yahweh(雅威) The Three-in-one, He is Yahweh  

是誰使我心得歡喜? 是誰賜予我平安? 是誰使我心得安慰? 將困苦變為甘甜? Who is He that makes me happy Who is He that gives me peace 是誰使我心得安慰? Who is He that brings me comfort 將困苦變為甘甜? And turns the bitter into sweet

是誰燃起我的熱情? 是誰掌管我的心? 是誰使我靈得飽足? 滿足我一切所需? Who is stirring up my passion Who is rising up in me 是誰使我靈得飽足? Who is filling up my hunger 滿足我一切所需? With everything I need

Yah - weh Yah - weh