台灣未來學校 學校發展中心 (SDC) /主持人計劃
台灣未來學校 培養學生在二十一世紀中的生活與工作能力 To prepare students for life and work in the 21st century 以研究為基礎的漸進式課程 Progressive research-based curriculum 整合科技與環境親善的建築 Integrated technology and environmentally friendly architecture 提供一種其他學校可複製的模式 A model that other schools can replicate Microsoft's contribution is in the form of human intellectual capital, project planning resources, facilitating sound organizational practices and access to our international network of thought leaders.
台灣未來學校 六所先導學校 6 pilot schools 建立微軟與教育部、教育局及各校的夥伴關係 Partnership of MS、MOE、BOE and each school 提供未來複製的所需的研究與支援 Research and support for future replication 2 each: high, junior high, primary schools
學校發展中心 (SDC) 專業發展策略A professional development strategy 對教師訓練的追蹤 Follow-up to teacher training 創造一個創新與支援的網路 Creating a network of innovation and support
學校發展中心(SDC) 老師組成的共同研究團隊 Collaborative teams of teachers 整合ICT的最佳應用模式 Application of best practices for ICT 專家教師支援 Supported by expert teachers
合作團教師 (Collaborative Teacher Teams) 同年級的,或主題領域,或對ICT整合興趣者 Common grade level 、subject area、or ICT integration interest 承諾要嘗試新作為 Commitment to try something new 同意開放他們的教室教學活動供別人觀摩 Agreement to open their classrooms for others to observe
專家教師支援 (Expert Teacher support) 每校各設一位“主持人” one “Host Teacher” per SOF 由享有聲譽與值得信賴的同事擔任 Distinguished, trusted colleague 進階ICT整合訓練並協助其他人改變 Advanced training in ICT integration and helping others to change
學校發展中心導入程序 (SDC Process) 主持人與合作團教師一一訪談 Host Teacher interviews team 主持人須準備團隊達成目標所需的資源與議程 Host teacher prepares resources and agenda to support the team’s goals 合作團老師們與主持人共事一個星期 Team works with Host Teacher for one week 主持人須後續持續追蹤合作團教師 Host Teacher follows up with team later
學校發展中心導入程序 (SDC Process) 團隊努力達成四個目標 Team works on four goals: ICT 技術改進 ICT skill improvement 研讀整合ICT的最佳案例 Study of the best practices for ICT integration 同僚課堂教學觀摩 Observation of colleagues’ classrooms 創造可充分整合ICT的課程 Creation of lessons that make good use of ICT
學校發展中心SDC議程樣本 星期一: 討論設定團隊目標 研讀並討論最佳課程案例 從事ICT技術輔導 審核各位合作團教師之示範性課程計畫 (註: 示範性課程計劃是指各個教師返回原工作崗位所要推動的課程) 準備課堂教學觀摩
SDC 議程樣本 星期二: 進行課堂教學觀摩 討論觀摩心得 研讀並討論最佳課程案例 從事ICT技術輔導
SDC議程樣本 星期三: 觀看並討論教學錄影帶或線上課程 開始編寫或重新檢視示各自之示範性課程計畫 準備課堂教學觀摩
SDC 議程樣本 星期四: 進行課堂教學觀摩 討論觀摩心得 持續進行示範性課程計畫的工作
SDC 議程樣本 星期五: 完成示範性課程計畫 與團隊成員規畫後續各階段的工作 完成心得專刊與SDC評鑑
支援三階段 初始訓練 Initial Training SDC 團隊工作 Team Work 推動同儕教導 Ongoing Peer Coaching
台灣未來學校改格網路 H T At least 3 teams of teachers in every school; One Host Teacher per school to support within the school and coordinate networking among all the schools; peer observations by teams within their own and the other schools.