Just beyond is shining an eternal day. [1/6] I Will Not Forget Thee 甜蜜的應許:我永不忘記你。 雖在幽谷中,昏暗黑夜沉沉, 就在上空照耀,有永恆良辰。 Just beyond is shining an eternal day.
I am thy Redeemer, I will care for thee. [2/6] #R#我永不忘記你,或離棄你, 我永不忘記你,或離棄你, 我是你的救主,安慰照顧你。! I am thy Redeemer, I will care for thee.
I shall be remembered in my home above. [3/6] 信靠這應許:我永不忘記你。 雖世人輕視,或親離而眾叛, 我必將在天家,永遠被記念。 I shall be remembered in my home above.
I am thy Redeemer, I will care for thee. [4/6] #R#我永不忘記你,或離棄你, 我永不忘記你,或離棄你, 我是你的救主,安慰照顧你。! I am thy Redeemer, I will care for thee.
“Enter, faithful servant, welcome home at last.” [5/6] 當我站立在金碧輝煌天門, 何等大喜樂聽見恩主獎嘉: 請進,忠心僕人,歡迎你歸家! “Enter, faithful servant, welcome home at last.”
I am thy Redeemer, I will care for thee. [6/6] #R#我永不忘記你,或離棄你, 我永不忘記你,或離棄你, 我是你的救主,安慰照顧你。! I am thy Redeemer, I will care for thee.