證 道 掃羅之子約拿單 (約翰福音15: 13-15) Jonathan, the Son of Saul (John 15: 13-15) 楊東川 牧師
約拿單在舊約撒母耳記內形象豐滿,但常被人忽略。其名意為「神所賜予」,為掃羅長子,官二代、太子黨、王儲,因掃羅僭罪,而受連累,終與王位無份 引 言 約拿單在舊約撒母耳記內形象豐滿,但常被人忽略。其名意為「神所賜予」,為掃羅長子,官二代、太子黨、王儲,因掃羅僭罪,而受連累,終與王位無份 Introduction: The figure of Jonathan in the OT is very rich, but often neglected. The name means "Given by God." He's the elder son of King Saul, the royal heir but deprived of the throne due to Saul's transgression of the sin.
1.大而無畏-一身是膽,身先士卒(撒上13: 2-3, 14: 1-45) 1. He is invincible, leading the troops of 1,000 to the victory (I Sam. 13: 2-3, 14: 1-45).
二、義結金蘭-慧眼識英雄 (撒上18: 1-4) 2. He is trustworthy, recognizing the hero by good observation (I Sam. 19: 1-7).
三、辯解大衛-替朋友說好話 (撒上18: 1-4) 3. He is a good counsel, advocating for friends (I Sam. 19: 1-7).
四、保護大衛-為朋友遮風擋雨(撒上20: 1-42, 23: 15-18) 4. He is a protector, covering for friends (I Sam. 19: 1-7)
五、為國捐軀-基利波一役,父子同時殉國,英雄何竟仆倒? (撒下1: 19) 5. He is dying for the Country--How the mighty have fallen? (II Sam. 1: 19)
結 論 約拿單為良友典範,甘居「次位」而不嫉妒,為朋友兩脇插刀,「生我者父母,知我者鮑叔」。他具備彼後1: 5-7基督徒的德行;有友如此,死而無憾!聖經預表其為基督(約翰福音15: 13) Conclusion: Jonathan is a model friend, content to be in the "second place." "I was born by my parents, but known by my friend." He consists of all the Christian virtues of II Peter 1: 5-7. He is the typology of Christ in the Bible.