All of creation declares His majesty from the heights of the heavens to the depths of the sea. The valleys deep, the mountains steep, the waves upon the.


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Presentation transcript:

All of creation declares His majesty from the heights of the heavens to the depths of the sea. The valleys deep, the mountains steep, the waves upon the sand, all were made at His command. He made beauty out of nothingness, filled the earth He might bless His people, whom He loves. 從至高的天庭到海的深處, 萬物都在宣揚祂的威嚴。 在祂的命令下,山谷,峻嶺,波濤都形成了。 祂使無成為美善,為祂所愛的人裝備地球, 得享祂的恩福。 1 (1) God Spoke! 神說!

He spoke the world into being. God spoke and it was so! He spoke the world into being. By His mighty pow’r ev’rything was made; at the sound of His voice His glory was displayed. God spoke and it was so. All reaction declares His praise. 神說,事就成了!世界因神的話而立。 萬物藉祂的大能而造, 祂的聲音一出,榮光就顯現。 神說,祂一出聲,事就成了。 受造物齊聲讚美祂。 2 (2) God Spoke! 神說!

Praise the Lord! O heav’ns, adore Him; And the same powerful God who spoke creation into being still speaks today. Praise the Lord! O heav’ns, adore Him; Praise Him, angels in the height; Sun and moon, bow down before Him; Praise Him, shining stars of light. 那一發言創造萬物大能的神,今日仍在說話。 讚美主!諸天啊,仰慕祂; 讚美祂,至高處的天使,日,月,敬拜祂; 讚美祂,夜間閃爍的星星啊! 3 (3) God Spoke! 神說!

He spoke the world into being, Praise the Lord, for he hath spoken; worlds His mighty voice obeyed; laws which never shall be broken for their guidance He has made. God spoke and it was so. He spoke the world into being, By His mighty pow’r ev’rything was made; at the sound of His voice His glory was displayed. 讚美主,因為祂說了,世人聆聽了, 永不觸犯神所立引領他們的規範。 神說,事就成了。世界因神的話而立, 萬物藉祂的大能而造, 祂的聲音一出,榮光就顯現。 4 (4) God Spoke! 神說!

All creation declares His praise. God spoke and it was so. All creation declares His praise. And the same powerful God who spoke creation into being still speaks today. God spoke and He speaks today. 神說,事就成了。 萬物宣揚讚美祂。 那一發言創造萬物大能的神,今日仍在說話。 神說過,今天仍然在說話。 5 (5) God Spoke! 神說!