天地讚美 地與海奏出歌韻,磐石唱讚美歌聲 風雨電也歌頌,雲霧同頌吹送 全地奏響聲勢無比
頌讚聲永不衰竭,全地要敬拜事奉 高唱萬有之上,榮耀無限之處 全屬我主尊貴耶穌所有
讓讚美如風天空海闊飛 讓讚美浪花般海中濺起 高唱萬有之上,榮耀無限之處 全屬我主尊貴耶穌所有
天地讚美 地與海奏出歌韻,磐石唱讚美歌聲 風雨電也歌頌,雲霧同頌吹送 全地奏響聲勢無比
頌讚聲永不衰竭,全地要敬拜事奉 高唱萬有之上,榮耀無限之處 全屬我主尊貴耶穌所有
讓讚美如風天空海闊飛 讓讚美浪花般海中濺起 高唱萬有之上,榮耀無限之處 全屬我主尊貴耶穌所有
讓讚美如風天空海闊飛 讓讚美浪花般海中濺起 高唱萬有之上,榮耀無限之處 全屬我主尊貴耶穌所有
當我在黑暗痛苦絕望中 有一曙光明照在我心 祂是那稱為奇妙的救主 捨棄天上榮華為我降生 主如明亮晨星 As he was climbing, only a few feet away from the top of the mountain, he slipped and fell into the air, falling at a great speed. The climber could only see black spots as he went down, and the terrible sensation of being sucked by gravity. He kept falling… and in those moments of great fear, it came to his mind all the good and bad episodes of his life.
祂又為我被釘在十字架 情願受苦洗淨我的罪 我要唱奇妙主哈利路亞 從今後永不會再絕望 As he was climbing, only a few feet away from the top of the mountain, he slipped and fell into the air, falling at a great speed. The climber could only see black spots as he went down, and the terrible sensation of being sucked by gravity. He kept falling… and in those moments of great fear, it came to his mind all the good and bad episodes of his life.
祂仁慈善良的愛領我衝破狂風巨浪 主如一顆明亮的晨星 帶給我無限的希望 As he was climbing, only a few feet away from the top of the mountain, he slipped and fell into the air, falling at a great speed. The climber could only see black spots as he went down, and the terrible sensation of being sucked by gravity. He kept falling… and in those moments of great fear, it came to his mind all the good and bad episodes of his life. 10
救主耶穌基督被接升天 祂去原為我預備地方 就必再來接我到祂父家 永遠與主同在到千萬年 As he was climbing, only a few feet away from the top of the mountain, he slipped and fell into the air, falling at a great speed. The climber could only see black spots as he went down, and the terrible sensation of being sucked by gravity. He kept falling… and in those moments of great fear, it came to his mind all the good and bad episodes of his life.
到那時再沒有痛苦悲傷 只有甜美快樂的笑容 眾聖徒同集在明亮 聖城滿心歌頌讚美主大恩 As he was climbing, only a few feet away from the top of the mountain, he slipped and fell into the air, falling at a great speed. The climber could only see black spots as he went down, and the terrible sensation of being sucked by gravity. He kept falling… and in those moments of great fear, it came to his mind all the good and bad episodes of his life.
祂仁慈善良的愛領我衝破狂風巨浪 主如一顆明亮的晨星 帶給我無限的希望 As he was climbing, only a few feet away from the top of the mountain, he slipped and fell into the air, falling at a great speed. The climber could only see black spots as he went down, and the terrible sensation of being sucked by gravity. He kept falling… and in those moments of great fear, it came to his mind all the good and bad episodes of his life.
祂仁慈善良的愛領我衝破狂風巨浪 主如一顆明亮的晨星 帶給我無限的希望 As he was climbing, only a few feet away from the top of the mountain, he slipped and fell into the air, falling at a great speed. The climber could only see black spots as he went down, and the terrible sensation of being sucked by gravity. He kept falling… and in those moments of great fear, it came to his mind all the good and bad episodes of his life.
望見天虹 大雨灑,風在刮,沒法躲,傾盆下 仍舊向前掙扎,疲弱身軀抵抗風沙 路太差,濕又窄,滑跌中,多疑惑 誰在我旁鞭策,垂念我在陰暗漆黑
靜靠心窗,望見天虹 繽紛告示盼望永不撲空 是你應許,為身心解凍 憑著信念衝破冰封
受創的心,望見天虹 深知每滴淚有朝擦乾 是你恩光,導引新方向 迎面風吹加雨打,不再懼怕
遇困阻,開導我,在暗中,加援助 神話語常安慰,明亮七彩天際穿梭
靜靠心窗,望見天虹 繽紛告示盼望永不撲空 是你應許,為身心解凍 憑著信念衝破冰封
受創的心,望見天虹 深知每滴淚有朝擦乾 是你恩光,導引新方向 迎面風吹加雨打,不再懼怕
靜靠心窗,望見天虹 繽紛告示盼望永不撲空 是你應許,為身心解凍 憑著信念衝破冰封
受創的心,望見天虹 深知每滴淚有朝擦乾 是你恩光,導引新方向 迎面風吹加雨打,不再懼怕
你仰臉保守你所愛的 你護庇永遠不離不棄 你將我從淤泥裡捧起 放我在你的手心 豐盛的應許 你仰臉保守你所愛的 你護庇永遠不離不棄 你將我從淤泥裡捧起 放我在你的手心
我憑著信心領取 你豐盛的應許 世界也不能奪去 神美好的旨意 我憑著信心領取 你豐盛的應許 世界也不能奪去 神美好的旨意
我憑著信心領取 你恩典永不止息 看見美好應許成就 榮耀全都歸於你 豐盛的應許 我憑著信心領取 你恩典永不止息 看見美好應許成就 榮耀全都歸於你
你仰臉保守你所愛的 你護庇永遠不離不棄 你將我從淤泥裡捧起 放我在你的手心 豐盛的應許 你仰臉保守你所愛的 你護庇永遠不離不棄 你將我從淤泥裡捧起 放我在你的手心
我憑著信心領取 你豐盛的應許 世界也不能奪去 神美好的旨意 我憑著信心領取 你豐盛的應許 世界也不能奪去 神美好的旨意
我憑著信心領取 你恩典永不止息 看見美好應許成就 榮耀全都歸於你 豐盛的應許 我憑著信心領取 你恩典永不止息 看見美好應許成就 榮耀全都歸於你
我等候主我相信 你愛我永不放棄 世界也不能奪去 神美好的旨意 豐盛的應許 我等候主我相信 你愛我永不放棄 世界也不能奪去 神美好的旨意
我等候主我相信 你旨意高過我的 看見美好應許成就 我全心全意敬拜你 豐盛的應許 我等候主我相信 你旨意高過我的 看見美好應許成就 我全心全意敬拜你
我等候主我相信 你愛我永不放棄 世界也不能奪去 神美好的旨意 豐盛的應許 我等候主我相信 你愛我永不放棄 世界也不能奪去 神美好的旨意
我等候主我相信 你旨意高過我的 看見美好應許成就 我全心全意敬拜你 豐盛的應許 我等候主我相信 你旨意高過我的 看見美好應許成就 我全心全意敬拜你
耶和華是我的倚靠 耶和華是我的倚靠,每天引導我路程 隨時讓我心省察,我禱告祂細聽 面對處處滿佈挑戰困惑,靠祢抹去心驚怕
就算碰到挫折失去方向,有祢校正我偏差 耶和華是我的一切,主恩惠一生足夠 全然讓我心擺上,獻出我所有
耶和華是我的倚靠 耶和華是我的倚靠,每天引導我路程 隨時讓我心省察,我禱告祂細聽 面對處處滿佈挑戰困惑,靠祢抹去心驚怕
就算碰到挫折失去方向,有祢校正我偏差 耶和華是我的一切,主恩惠一生足夠 全然讓我心擺上,獻出我所有
就算碰到挫折失去方向,有祢校正我偏差 耶和華是我的一切,主恩惠一生足夠 全然讓我心擺上,獻出我所有