環觀大地好風光,仰視美麗好穹蒼, 想起出生到如今,摯愛時刻繞我旁; 敬向全能萬有神,獻上頌揚感謝心。


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Presentation transcript:

環觀大地好風光,仰視美麗好穹蒼, 想起出生到如今,摯愛時刻繞我旁; 敬向全能萬有神,獻上頌揚感謝心。 H23 環觀大地好風光,仰視美麗好穹蒼, 想起出生到如今,摯愛時刻繞我旁; 敬向全能萬有神,獻上頌揚感謝心。 For the beauty of the earth For the glory of the skies, For the love which from our birth Over and around us lies. Lord of all, to Thee we raise, This our hymn of grateful praise.

靜觀晝夜每時間;色色形形美麗中, 綠水青山描寫巧,日月星辰點綴工; 敬向全能萬有神,獻上頌揚感謝心。 H23 靜觀晝夜每時間;色色形形美麗中, 綠水青山描寫巧,日月星辰點綴工; 敬向全能萬有神,獻上頌揚感謝心。 For the beauty of each hour, Of the day and of the night, Hill and vale, and tree and flower, Sun and moon, and stars of light. Lord of all, to Thee we raise, This our hymn of grateful praise.

主賜耳聰目亦明,歡愉充滿健精神, 更賜神秘和諧趣,聲色由空轉化真; 敬向全能萬有神,獻上頌揚感謝心。 H23 主賜耳聰目亦明,歡愉充滿健精神, 更賜神秘和諧趣,聲色由空轉化真; 敬向全能萬有神,獻上頌揚感謝心。 For the joy of ear and eye, For the heart and mind’s delight, For the mystic harmony Linking sense to sound and sight. Lord of all, to Thee we raise, This our hymn of grateful praise.