量子通訊與量子自動控制 Quantum Communication/Quantum Control 丁致良 崇右企專 http://www.chez.com/jlting Jlting@chez.com
Stochastic Resonance for Quantum Channels Stochastic Resonance for Quantum Channels, Phys. Rev. E 59 2801-2803 (1999). Noise Effects for the Depolarizing Channel, Phys. Lett. A 259 349-354 (1999).
Synergy of Modern Sciences
Information Theory Shannon’s theories 網路是無線寬廣的 寬頻上網 最寬到底能多寬? 網路是無線寬廣的 寬頻上網 最寬到底能多寬? WinZip 壓縮檔案能壓多小?
What is Stochastic Resonance?
Quantum Computers 1995 P.Shore 科學月刊 27卷 6 期 1998 年 李國鼎文教基金會通俗科學寫作獎 長榮月刊2000年9月轉載 教育部高中生加油站http://content.edu.tw 盜用
Schrödinger’s Cat 1
一石二鳥 Is there stochastic resonance for quantum channels? How could we have larger capacity for a quantum channel?
Mutual Information in the classical Limit is
Channel Capacity
Call for Participation: Teleportation Channels by P.Shore New Definitions for Capacities
Quantum Feedback Control without Measurement
Traditional Method for Feedback Control measurement
Non-Cloning Theorem Cloner: Quantum States CANNOT be Cloned V. Buzek and M. Hillery, Phys. Rev. A, 54, 1844 (1996). N.J.Cerf, Phys. Rev. Lett., 84, 4497 (2000). L.M.Duan and G. C. Guo, Phys. Rev. Lett., 80, 4999 (1998).
The Method I Proposed for Quantum Control
Example:2-Level Atoms Sponteneous Decay