Grade 4 Spring Semester Parent Teacher Conference 親師座談會


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Presentation transcript:

Grade 4 Spring Semester Parent Teacher Conference 107-2 親師座談會 Saturday, March 9th 2019 FET: Mr. Bergeron CET: Ms. Sheryl

Agenda 議程 Textbooks 教科書 English Village 英語村 Curriculum Goals 課程目標 Monthly Must Reads 每月共讀 Projects and Assignments 閱讀專題與寫作 Online Reading Practice 線上閱讀練習 Teaching and Assessing Reading 閱讀教學及評量 Examination Make Up 補考 Report Card 成績單 Help At Home 在家協助 In Class Scores 平時成績 Class Website 英文班網 Weekly Reports 週報 Contact Information 聯絡老師 Certificates 獎狀

Textbooks 教科書 Reading Street

Textbooks 教科書 Focus on Grammar 文法焦點 Thematic instruction 主題教學 Critical thinking skills 批判性思考能力 Ongoing assessment 持續性的評量 Communicate confidently 提升英語溝通的自信 Expanded listening tasks 延伸聽力活動

Textbooks 教科書 Notebooks

Textbooks 教科書 Communication Book FET’s Homework: Mon., Tue., Fri. CET’s Homework: Wed. & Thur.

Listening and Speaking 聽與說 Curriculum Goals 課程目標 Grade 4 Reading 閱讀 Writing 寫作 Listening and Speaking 聽與說 Comprehension 閱讀理解 Strategies 閱讀策略 Literary Appreciation 文學賞析 Multi-paragraph 多段落寫作 Grade-level Conventions 語法 Range of Text Types 各種寫作文體 Plan, Edit, Publish 構思、編輯、發表 Comprehension and Accuracy 理解與正確性 Appropriate Response 適當的回應 Communicative Confidence 溝通的自信 Presentation of Knowledge 報告與呈現

Writing Assignment 閱讀寫作 Students read to learn about a topic and gain a strong foundation in it Reading 閱讀 Students work collaboratively to extend their knowledge of the topic Connection 銜接 Students write an assignment for a text type based on the knowledge they have gained Writing 寫作

Reading Project閱讀專題 Ask Plan Research Present Create Improve 計畫 提問 研究 創造 改進 展現

Writing Topics寫作主題 The Art of Board Games Extreme Jobs Persuasive Advertisement 廣告說服文 (Smokejumpers) Play劇本 (A Gift from the Heart) CET Projects The Art of Board Games Persuasive Text 說服文 (The Difficult Art of Hitting) Help and Care towards Disabilities Expository Text 說明文 (Special Olympics, Spectacular Athletes) FET Projects FET Assignments Instructions 操作說明文 (The Case of the Gasping Garbage) Journal 日誌 (Antarctic Journal)

Teaching and Assessing Reading 閱讀教學及評量 Reading Comprehension 閱讀理解 In the beginning, Paul was a problem for his village. How did his parents solve this problem? Why couldn’t Paul get his logs down the Big Onion river to his camp? Basic understanding of the text 基本課文理解 Critical Thinking 批判性考 “Deeper learning” 深入學習 Using details from the story, write one sentence that COMPARES Paul and Babe. Paul travelled all across America and made the Great Lakes. What conclusion can you draw about Paul? Common Core Literacy skills 美國共同核心課綱 文學技巧 Example Questions from: Paul Bunyan

Tips for Helping with Reading 協助閱讀 Encourage students to... follow along and take notes as they listen in class 上課認真聽課並做筆記 participate in group and class discussions 參與課堂小組討論 ask classmates or their teacher to help with homework difficulties 遇到問題會請教老師或同學 do workbook homework by themselves 自己完成作業 correct workbook mistakes and understand what went wrong 作業訂正並了解錯誤所在

Kang Chiao Future Skills 康橋未來技能 Come learn more about the program!

Midterm Report Card 期中成績單

Final Report Card 期末成績單

In-Class Scores平時成績 FET 外師 CET 中師 Focus on Grammar Spelling tests Vocabulary Worksheet Language Arts Workbooks Weekly Test

FET Weekly Report 外師週報 4PM Please refer to the International Department Syllabus Guide available online at for information about the syllabus for next week and for the dates of Midterm and Final Assessment Tests.

CET Weekly Report 中師週報

Outstanding Certificates 英語成就獎 Outstanding Achievement in English Qualification: Above 90 (semester) A+ Top 1 ( Under 12 students) Top 2 ( Above 12 students) Most Improvement in English Qualification: the highest score (Final – Midterm) Top 1 (Under 12 students)

Extreme Weather Broadcast English Village 三四年級英語村課程 Light Injuries 傷口處理 Shopping for Toys 買玩具 Extreme Weather Broadcast 極端氣候報導 Pizza Toast 吐司披薩

Monthly Must Reads 每月共讀

Online Reading Practice 線上閱讀練習 Extra Comprehension Practice 提供額外閱讀理解練習 Assess Reading Skills 評估閱讀技巧 Check for Understanding 確認對課文了解

重要通知 定期評量補考辦法,自102學年度開始實施 Examination Make Up 補考規定 重要通知 定期評量補考辦法,自102學年度開始實施 補考對象 Objective 本校學生於定期評量期間,經准假缺考者。 Students with legitimate reasons for missing a scheduled exam. 補考時間 Time 學生應配合校方安排的時間參加補考。 期末評量之補考,須於休業式前一天的上課日辦理。 1.The make up final exam should be taken on the day before the closing ceremony day. 2.  Students should cooperate with the school regulations in regards to make up test procedures.

Examination Make Up 補考規定 成 績 計 算 方 式 Score ◎ 無故缺考或未配合補考時間,不得補考,該次缺考成績, 以零分計算。 Students who are absent without leave or who fail to comply with school regulations will not be eligible for making up the exam. A score of 0% will be given. ◎ 因公、喪假、法定傳染病確診或其他校園傳染病確診(須 檢附診斷證明),依病疫管制規定須隔離在家休息而缺考 者,其補考成績按實得分數計算。 No score deduction if: a student takes approved official leave; bereavement; has a legally recognized contagious disease (with correct documentation).

Examination Make Up 補考規定 成 績 計 算 方 式 Score ◎ 因事、病假(須檢附醫生診斷證明)缺考者,其成績如為六十分或未達六十分者,依實得分數計算。 A doctors note is required if a child takes sick leave. (A note is required from the hospital and should state the child is not able to take the exam)    ◎ 病假:超過六十分以上者,其超過部分以九折計算。事假:超過 六十分以上者,其超過部分以七折算。病假未附診斷證明者視同事 假。    Absentees with sick leave will have a 10% score deduction if the score is above 60% (even with eligible documents) Absentees with approved personal leave will have a score deduction  of 30% if the score is above 60%. If the correct documentation can not be provided, the school will count it as personal leave. ◎ 學生應依學校所安排時間參加定期評量,不得要求提前考試。 Students need to take the make-up test on the scheduled time provided by the school. Arranging a date in advance is not permitted.

Examination Make Up 補考規定 注 意 事 項 Note ◎ 學生需在定期評量請假時,導師得先告知學生與家長銷假後要補考。學生銷假後,由學校安排補考時間及地點。 Homeroom teachers should inform the parents of absent students that must make up the exam after they return to school, and should also inform the D.A.A. and I.D.. When absent students return to school, homeroom teachers should then notify D.A.A. and I.D. so as to arrange the time and venue for make up the exam. ◎ 學生因補考,致未能於學校規定各獎項核算時間內提出成績者,其成績不列入各獎項排序。 If a student takes the makeup exam and submits the score after the deadline for calculating awards, the student will not be included in the award list.

Helping at Home 在家如何協助 Sign communication book every day 每日聯絡本簽名 Sign quiz paper after kids correct the mistakes 孩子訂正考卷後簽名 Make sure kids finish homework on time 確認孩子準時完成作業 Contact teachers when kids have learning problems 孩子遇到問題時聯絡老師 Please do not do homework for students 不幫孩子完成作業

Class Website 班級網頁

Contact Information 聯繫老師 Mr. Bergeron 8211-2000 ext. 8646 Ms. Sheryl 8195-8821 0953-523-509