在祂面前 In His Presence by Dick & Melodie Tunney


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Presentation transcript:

在祂面前 In His Presence by Dick & Melodie Tunney 在這安靜的時刻, 我們屈膝在主前, 深相信你應許必定可靠. In the quiet of this hour, As we kneel before You now, I believe Your promise. To be faithful

我們常無法明瞭, 你旨意何等深奧, 我只學在你面前完全信靠你. 在你面前就有安慰, 在你面前有平安. I don’t always understand what Your perfect will demands, But I learned to trust You more in Your presence In Your presence there is comfort, In Your presence there is peace.

當我尋求你心意, 我確信在你寶座前, 必有永遠的福樂. 我們安靜等候神, 主有獎賞給我們. 等待主時刻, 祂必賜完全智慧 當我尋求你心意, 我確信在你寶座前, 必有永遠的福樂. 我們安靜等候神, 主有獎賞給我們. 等待主時刻, 祂必賜完全智慧. When we seek to know Your heart, we will find such bless’d assurance in Your holy presence, Lord. There can be such sweet reward when we wait upon the Lord. As we take the time, He gives His perfect wisdom.

惟獨在主的裡面, 我心事祂全知道, 當我全心尋求主, 必蒙祂恩惠. 在祂面前就有安慰. 在祂面前常有平安 惟獨在主的裡面, 我心事祂全知道, 當我全心尋求主, 必蒙祂恩惠. 在祂面前就有安慰. 在祂面前常有平安. To be found in Him alone, all our deepest secrets known, we’re surrounded by His grace when we seek His face. In His presence there is comfort. In His presence there’s always peace.

我們尋求主心意, 必找到永遠的福樂. 永遠敞開的門, 使我更親近主, 就在榮耀主面前 我們尋求主心意, 必找到永遠的福樂. 永遠敞開的門, 使我更親近主, 就在榮耀主面前. When we seek the Father’s heart, we will find such bless’d assurance. An ever open door to know our Savior more, in the presence of our Lord.