爸爸的筆/My Father’s Brush 爸爸的筆寫人生 忠義句句勤叮嚀 教阮道理要遵守 凡事知足不強求 勇健歡喜過日子 疼惜厝邊像自己 Father's brush writes about life, speaking forth honor and just Teaching us.


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Presentation transcript:

爸爸的筆/My Father’s Brush 爸爸的筆寫人生 忠義句句勤叮嚀 教阮道理要遵守 凡事知足不強求 勇健歡喜過日子 疼惜厝邊像自己 Father's brush writes about life, speaking forth honor and just Teaching us wisdom, right from wrong Learn to content with joy and health Love thy neighbor as thyself

無論悲歡什境遇 伊用信心來對付 親情養育盡全力 恩重如山阮感激 爸爸疼痛肯犧牲 感謝用歌來表明 No matter what circumstances life might bring Facing it all with faith alone Love and care with all he had Grateful heart that we shall have Sacrifice displays father's love Singing this song with a grateful heart

經過艱難無走避 爸爸陪伴留腳跡 親密交心若朋友 鼓勵向上爭千秋 趁有機會對阿爹 當面輕聲說多謝 Going through hardship not alone, father's footprint shows he's there No matter how close friendship might be, or how consuming success might bring Take a moment see him face to face, whisper to him, "thank you, daddy!"

每逢佳節倍思親 一幕一幕記憶新 親情養育盡全力 恩重如山阮感激 爸爸疼痛肯犧牲 感謝用歌來表明 Missing him when moment comes, memories in mind now remind Love and care with all he had Grateful heart that we shall have Sacrifice displays father's love Singing this song with a grateful heart