怎樣把同一評估 給與在不同班級的學生 How to administer the Same assessment to students from Different classes and groups
如果不用分享功能,系統能否容許我們製造一個評估,同時給數班學生採用呢? How can we apply the same assessment to students from different classes and groups (without using the sharing function)?
有時一位老師需要教一組學生 該組學生來自數個不同班別 (如P3A, P3A, P4D)老師能否為這組學生設置一個評估? At times, a teacher may be assigned to teach a group of students, some from P3A, some from P3B, some from P4D. Can the teacher combine all of these students into one ‘Group’ and apply the same assessment to the entire group?
答案是肯定的。 系統已預備了一個方法讓老師能製造評估給這組學生。 The answer is yes. The Student Assessment System was designed to help teachers to create one assessment for students from different classes/groups.
當你製作一個新評估的時候, 你先按「評估」然後按「新增評估」, 系統便出現下列的畫面。 當你製作一個新評估的時候, 你先按「評估」然後按「新增評估」, 系統便出現下列的畫面。 When creating an assessment, press the button “Assessment” and then select “New Assessment(s)”. Then the following screen will appear.
在普通情況下,這裏只有班別供你使用。 In an ordinary situation, you can only use “class”.
製造了組別後(見圖),教師便可選用組別。 After ‘Groups’ are created (see figure), a teacher may select a ‘Group’ to do the new assessment.
如果想要一組學生能做該評估, 那麼便需要管理人員先在系統中做一些工作。 If you want to combine students from different classes/groups into one single group (Group), you will need the IT coordinator to help make this administration possible.
下列指出管理人員所須做的工作, 好使教師能把評估提供給在組別中的學生。 In the next few screens, you will be shown what the IT Coordinator should do to combine students from different classes/groups into one.
為使組別能在系統中運作,管理人員須用學校帳戶登入。先按帳戶,然後按學生組別管理。 To make ‘Groups’ function available, the IT Coordinator should use the school’s account to log in, press the button “Account”, and then the button “Student Grouping Administration” as shown below.
按帳戶及學生組別管理 Press ‘Account’ and then ‘Group Administration’
管理人員須做下列三項工作︰ 1. 為新組別命名。 2. 指派教師去管理該組別。 3. 訂定該組別的成員。 Next, the IT coordinator is to do 3 things. 1. Assign a name to the Group. 2. Assign teachers to the Group. 3. Assign students to the Group.
為新組別命名。 1. Give a name to the Group.
在這例子裏學校已有兩個組別 現須多造一個。 In this example, there are two Groups already established in the school. We want to create a third one.
新增了組別 “new” 後,須按 “遞交”。 After adding the third Group “new”, press “SUBMIT”.
2. 按老師名單後,下列的畫面便 會出現。選擇老師時,須填滿 對應該老師的兩個小格子,最 後別忘記捲到螢光幕的下方按 遞交。 2. 按老師名單後,下列的畫面便 會出現。選擇老師時,須填滿 對應該老師的兩個小格子,最 後別忘記捲到螢光幕的下方按 遞交。 2. On pressing “Teacher List” the screen will change and teachers may be chosen from the list by clicking 2 boxes against them. Don’t forget to scroll to the bottom and press “SUBMIT”.
3. 按組員名單後,先選擇班別,然 後點選左方的學生,再用圖中央 的雙箭嘴把學生搬到右方。搬錯 了的學生可用反方向的箭嘴把他 們復原。 3. 按組員名單後,先選擇班別,然 後點選左方的學生,再用圖中央 的雙箭嘴把學生搬到右方。搬錯 了的學生可用反方向的箭嘴把他 們復原。 3. Press “Member List” to put students into the Group. First select the class. Then highlight the chosen students. Finally use the arrow in the middle to insert them. (Wrongly chosen students can be removed by the opposite arrows.)
若需把另一班的學生納入學生名單內(例如P3B),則需把班別名稱轉為3B,系統則把該班學生的姓名呈現。 To add students of another class, e.g. 3B, into the Group, just change the class name to 3B. Then the names of students of 3B will show up.
不要忘記遞交 Don’t forget to press SUBMIT
按了遞交後,製造組別的工作便告完成。管理該組的老師便可為該組製作評估,而該組的名稱將出現在老師的螢光幕上,見下圖。 On pressing “SUBMIT”, the task of creating a “Group” will be completed. And the selected teacher(s) can create assessments for the Group. The name of the Group will appear in the teacher’s screen as shown below.
製造組別的步驟亦詳述於 管理人員用戶手冊( 2.2節) 及教師用戶手冊( 2.2節) The procedure of creating Groups is also described in the Manual for IT Coordinators (Section 2.2) and the Manual for Teachers (Section 2.2).