The Six Sigma Revolution


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Presentation transcript:

The Six Sigma Revolution 第二章 The Strategy of Six Sigma 王德榮 9042302 2019/6/1 Total Quality Management

Total Quality Management Overview 組織品質管理成功之道-Vibrant, vocal, knowledgeable, and most important, involved management. 本章闡述管理階層如何確保品質改善計畫能成功。 事實上,我們不能怪罪管理階層的不參與- Human nature tells us we keep doing the thongs that work for us. 以The Westin Tabor Center 為案例貫穿本章。 2019/6/1 Total Quality Management

Effectiveness and Efficiency Effectiveness效益/效果-the degree to which an organization meets and preferably exceeds a customer’s need and requirement. Efficiency效率-refers to the resources consumed in attempting to become effective. 作者調查知-An average organization experiences over 50﹪is efficiency and over 70﹪is effectiveness. 2019/6/1 Total Quality Management

Total Quality Management The eight essential steps Step1-Creation and Agreement of Strategic Business Objectives 策略目標的建立與共識 To obtain support and active involvement of management, the quality initiative must be linked to the ongoing strategic business objectives of the organization. 品質管理必須與公司的策略目標結合 2019/6/1 Total Quality Management

Creation and Agreement of Strategic Business Objectives Business Objectives of The Westin Tabor Center 1.GOPAR-Gross Operating Profit per Available Room追求每一個客房的最佳利潤 2.Maintenance of Their AAA Four-Star Rating AAA-American Automobile Association 3.Employee Satisfaction-員工滿意是客戶能滿意的保證,這對旅館業是特別重要。 The Westin Tabor Center 在這些地方都需要改善 2019/6/1 Total Quality Management

Step2-Creation of Core, Key Sub-, and Enabling Process 功能式組織都相信它自己具效益與效率,其實不盡然。 功能式組織某一單位的的目標可能與公司整體目標相違背。 組織必須確認其達成目標的core and sub-process。 Core processes of Westin are Rooms, Events and Outlets. Rooms core process 是策略目標GOPAR的關鍵。 Enabling process-not necessarily belong to any one core process, for example the pay roll process, employee acquisition process . 2019/6/1 Total Quality Management

Step3-Identification of Process Owner 每一process owner指派到每一Core, Key Sub-, and Enabling Process. Process owner並非單位主管莫屬 Process owner應具備下列能力- Sub-process領域知識, 領導及説服才能, 瞭解及鑑賞business process management, 能體會流程成功與失敗之滋味, 能尊敬其他前後流程的每一個人。 2019/6/1 Total Quality Management

Identification of Process Owner Enabling process 有時也應如Sub-process一般管理 Business Performance Management-將重要關鍵的Enabling process提昇成為Core process 以Westin為例-employee development 也變成Core process 2019/6/1 Total Quality Management

Step4-Creation and Validation of Measurement ‘Dashboard’ 33 Core, Key Sub-, and Enabling Process were identified in Westin. Executive team指定 15 process owners 在一個月內就每一process提出1-3個dashboard measures 經驗告訴我service provider 認為重要的不一定被會客戶認同 部份owner察覺以前有33%的改善對客戶員是做虛功,更有部份提不出 dashboard measures 2019/6/1 Total Quality Management

Creation and Validation of Measurement ‘Dashboard’ 不易收集measurements的陷阱- 未收集正確的資料 收集太多的資料 不僅要找出效益性的衡量是重要的,也要找出效率性的衡量 某一process衡量成立的要件- 1.顧客願意為此流程付費用 2.這個流程使產品或服務增值 3.此流程的活動能一次就做好 2019/6/1 Total Quality Management

Creation and Validation of Measurement ‘Dashboard’ 如何控制process的衡量個數- 1. 只衡量顧客認為重要的 2. 只衡量你能加以改善的 3. 雖是重要的效益衡量,但過去顧客不曽抱怨過的,也不必去衡量。 效率衡量只限(value, cycle time, or cost) ‘double-dipping’ -效益與效率雙效衡量觀念,可減輕衡量個數,例如speed of delivery。 2019/6/1 Total Quality Management

Step5-Data Collection on Agreed Dashboards Room service為例- speed of delivery, food quality, and menu variety. 計量的衡量必須匹配顧客的規範接受度,如客戶叫餐不應超過30分鐘。 不能計量的衡量就使用 ‘Likert’ Scale-1不符要求,3符合要求,5超越要求。 2019/6/1 Total Quality Management

Total Quality Management Step6,7- Creation of Project Selection Criteria and Choosing First Projects 公司資源無法毫無限制地運用在品質政策推動上。 公司若能制定實施的順序除有助於早期之成功外,亦能增強推動的信念。 管理團隊應制定選擇準則,建議如下: 1.適合公司策略目標者 2.管理團隊同意的流程包括現行進行的改善流程 3.低成效的流程以凸顯第一類的’bear fruit’效果。 2019/6/1 Total Quality Management

Selection Criteria of Westin Strategic Business Objective One-GOPRA Strategic Business Objective Two-The AAA Four-star Rating Strategic Business Objective Three-Employee Satisfaction Current performance Feasibility 2019/6/1 Total Quality Management

The Westin Tabor Center案例 管理團隊及process owners使用 “fist- to-five” method來排出流程的順序,並依此順序挑出優先執行的一些流程 process owners被要求90天後提出流程績效報告 很幸運的,優先執行的大部分流程都成功了。 2019/6/1 Total Quality Management

成功的Enabling process案例- employee acquisition 原先招攬基層員工需4個星期,流程步驟要150個。 經改善後,去掉其中不具加值的100多個流程。 流程不僅更具效率且員工待得更久 在Denver市,the Westin Tabor Center的流動率是最低的 。 2019/6/1 Total Quality Management

Step8-the most important step Continual management of the processes to achieve the Strategic Business Objective of the organization. The Westin Tabor Center每90天就利用這種Selection Criteria, 繼續改善其他流程。 The Westin Tabor Center從表現差勁變全連鎖企業的top-10。 Step8 請見Chapter 9 分解 2019/6/1 Total Quality Management

Total Quality Management Key Learning 品質改善需管理者參與 品質努力的成果是邁向企業目標的滾輪 品質改善追求效果與效率 品質改善追求的效果應超出客戶的需求 品質改善追求的效率是time, cost, or value. 客戶關切的是價值鏈上的流程,並不考量公司的功能組織。 每一流程須就效果與效率來衡量 納入專案的流程須對策略目標產生最大的影響 2019/6/1 Total Quality Management