救主之愛 My Saviour’s Love Hymn 186 Charles H. Gabriel CCLI #


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Presentation transcript:

救主之愛 My Saviour’s Love Hymn 186 Charles H. Gabriel CCLI #1133585

拿撒勒人耶穌面前我站立, 心便震驚! 希奇祂如何能愛我 - 定罪污穢的罪人! I stand amazed in the presence Of Jesus the Nazarene, 希奇祂如何能愛我 -   定罪污穢的罪人! And wonder how He could love me, A sinner condemn’d unclean. 1 of 8 CCLI # 1133585 2

我將永遠唱此詩; 何等奇妙!何等驚異! 救主愛我,愛無極! Chorus: 何等奇妙!何等驚異! 我將永遠唱此詩; How marvelous! How wonderful! And my song shall ever be; 何等奇妙!何等驚異! 救主愛我,愛無極! How marvelous! How wonderful! Is my Saviour’s love for me! 2 of 8 CCLI # 1133585 3

只願神旨得成就; 流淚非為自己憂苦, 汗如血點只為我! 2. 為我,祂在園中祈求, 只願神旨得成就; For me it was in the garden, He prayed: “Not My will, but Thine;” 流淚非為自己憂苦, 汗如血點只為我! He had no tears for His own griefs, But sweat-drops of blood for mine. 3 of 8 CCLI # 1133585 4

我將永遠唱此詩; 何等奇妙!何等驚異! 救主愛我,愛無極! Chorus: 何等奇妙!何等驚異! 我將永遠唱此詩; How marvelous! How wonderful! And my song shall ever be; 何等奇妙!何等驚異! 救主愛我,愛無極! How marvelous! How wonderful! Is my Saviour’s love for me! 4 of 8 CCLI # 1133585 5

3. 祂擔當我一切罪憂, 甘願親自來背負; 祂背我重擔至加略, 孤單受苦並受死。 He took my sins and my sorrows, He made them His very own; 祂背我重擔至加略, 孤單受苦並受死。 He bore the burden to Calvary,  And suffered, and died alone. 5 of 8 CCLI # 1133585 6

我將永遠唱此詩; 何等奇妙!何等驚異! 救主愛我,愛無極! Chorus: 何等奇妙!何等驚異! 我將永遠唱此詩; How marvelous! How wonderful! And my song shall ever be; 何等奇妙!何等驚異! 救主愛我,愛無極! Is my Saviour’s love for me! 6 of 8 CCLI # 1133585 7

至終親見祂歡顏; 這將成我無窮喜樂, 來唱祂恩愛無極! 4. 當與眾聖同進榮耀, 至終親見祂歡顏; When with the ransomed in glory, His face I at last shall see, 這將成我無窮喜樂, 來唱祂恩愛無極! ‘Twill be my joy through the ages, To sing of His love for me. 7 of 8 CCLI # 1133585 8

我將永遠唱此詩; 何等奇妙!何等驚異! 救主愛我,愛無極! Chorus: 何等奇妙!何等驚異! 我將永遠唱此詩; How marvelous! How wonderful! And my song shall ever be; 何等奇妙!何等驚異! 救主愛我,愛無極! How marvelous! How wonderful! Is my Saviour’s love for me! 8 of 8 CCLI # 1133585 9