And be glad in the works of God 天父的花園 [1/6] The Father's Garden 在天父的花園裡 And be glad in the works of God
Father God, He will always keep us in His hand [2/6] 天父的小花成長在他手裡 Father God, He will always keep us in His hand
And be glad in the works of God [3/6] 在天父的花園裡 And be glad in the works of God
Father God, He will always keep us in His hand [4/6] 天父的小花成長在他手裡 Father God, He will always keep us in His hand
And be glad in the works of God [5/6] 在天父的花園裡 And be glad in the works of God
You can smile, He will keep us in His hand [6/6] 別擔心,你的成長在他手裡 You can smile, He will keep us in His hand