Praise songs reach the heaven


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Presentation transcript:

Praise songs reach the heaven 頌歌響遍 [1/5] Carol to Ye Lord 歌頌上帝達九霄 Praise songs reach the heaven

[2/5] 高唱,歡唱,和唱 Chant, carol, chorus

Moon raises from the sea, stars smile in the sky, Carol to Ye Lord [3/5] 海上月升,星兒微笑天邊,頌歌響遍四處 Moon raises from the sea, stars smile in the sky, Carol to Ye Lord

Praise songs reach the heaven [4/5] 高唱,歡唱,和唱 Praise songs reach the heaven

Moon raises from the sea, stars smile in the sky, Carol to Ye Lord [5/5] 海上月升,星兒微笑天邊 頌歌響遍四處 Moon raises from the sea, stars smile in the sky, Carol to Ye Lord