歡迎來到淡江大學 Welcome To Tamkang University


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Presentation transcript:

歡迎來到淡江大學 Welcome To Tamkang University

Office of International and Cross-Strait Affairs 姓名 : 朱 心瑩 Ms.Acid 歐美及大洋洲等地區來校交換生相關作業。 Responsible for all matters concerning TKU exchange students from Europe, the Americas and Oceania. 姓名 : 顏 嘉慧Ms.Yen 日本來校交換生相關作業。 Handling all matters concerning TKU exchange students from Japan. 姓名 : 楊 鳳僊Ms.Dolly 東南亞、韓國及蒙古來校交換生相關作業。 Handling all matters concerning TKU exchange students from Southeast Asia, Korea and Mongolia.

境輔組 李靜宜小姐 International Office Ms. Eva Lee Office : Room T1001 evacylee@mail.tku.edu.tw 交換生清寒獎學金 TKU Incoming Exchange Students Scholarship 華語文課程 Chinese Curriculum

交換生清寒獎學金 TKU Incoming Exchange Students Scholarship How can I apply? Who: Only exchange students attending TKU from September 2018 to June 2019 are eligible to apply for this scholarship. When: 3 weeks before the final exam in every semester. (Starting from December 17th , 2018 to January 4th, 2019.) How: Please download the application form from OICSA website and submit it to Eva before the deadline.

華語文課程 Chinese Curriculum How can I take Chinese courses? Attend the Chinese Placement Test First. Please verify which class you are from the OICSA website on this Friday. Remember to take the course registeration form from Eva at T1001 and kindly request the teacher to sign. Finally, please submit it to Eva before September 21st.

彭于禎 Chanel Peng 144525@mail.tku.edu.tw Office (02)2621-5656 ext.2318 Office Time:14:00~21:00 *I won’t answer your message anytime. In charge: For exchange students (Visa extend、ARC、Exchange students handbook、 courses selection、Insurance、International Dormitory)

簽證及居留證 Visa and Alien Resident Certificate (ARC) 1.停留簽證 → 居留簽證 Visitor Visa → Resident Visa/Extend (6Months) 2.居留簽證 → 外僑居留證(15天) Resident Visa → Alien Resident Certificate (ARC) (within 15 days) 3.Visa (single) → Can’t leave Taiwan.

e-mail教學 e-mail Learning Student ID Number @s06.tku.edu.tw Ex: 406160254@ s06.tku.edu.tw http://english.tku.edu.tw/StudyinTKU.asp 1.School E-mail(*<Reitaku麗澤>) 2.Dormitory: White board 3.Facebook group

選課 Curriculum (1)任課老師要簽名Teacher Signature (2) 9/21 (五) 17:00 選課表要完成,交到麗澤國際學舍,彭于禎小姐 Please hand in the form to Chanel before Sep. 21st 17:00(Fri.) (3) *進學班不能選(Night) *在職專班不能選(In-service Program/Executive Bachelor’s/Master’s Program) *教育學程不能選(Teacher Education) *榮譽學程不能選(Honors Program) *蘭陽的課程不能選(Lanyang) *遠距教學不能選 (Distance Education – if the class is not in TKU ) *本系限定只有系上學生可選(Only the students of the departments can choose the Major) *不能衝堂(2 class at the same time) (4)期中可以退選,但要寫報告書。If you want to cancel the course in mid-term, fill in the report paper. Only can cancel 1 or 2 courses.

Thank you for your listening