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Presentation transcript:

知识产权声明 扫码关注 回复:hello sun 获取课件制作、录课等实用工具包 感恩遇见,相互成就,本课件资料仅供您个人参考、教学使用,严禁自行在网络传播,违者依知识产权法追究法律责任。 更多教学资源请关注 订阅号:溯恩英语

Section I 读原文 Characters Ally; her father (dead); her mom Plots What happened to Ally’s father? How did Ally feel? What did Ally and her father used to do at weekends? What did Ally decide to do? Her father died suddenly.

She felt angry and very sad. She missed her father very much. 2)How did Ally feel? She felt angry and very sad. She missed her father very much. It wasn’t fair, Ally thought, frowning. Ally curled herself up in her father’s favorite chair and looked at his picture on the bookcase. It was one of her favorite shots. Ally smiled. “I miss you, Dad,” she said softly. Ally leaned her head back and closed her eyes, letting her mind wander. She loved thinking about the times she and Dad had spent searching the woods for the little bird. If only I could get that good feeling back, she thought, sighing. 心理活动+面部表情 动作+语言 动作+心理活动 心理活动+动作

3)What did Ally and her father used to do at weekends? 4)What did Ally decide to do? They used to search for the wood special warbler in the woods, but without success. She decided to go to the woods alone and search for the wood special warbler. Theme Love between Father and Daughter. Try to cheer up when our beloved ones died. We can miss them but never drown ourselves in sorrow.

读划线关键词语 人物 Dad 事物 birds, pictures, warbler, the woods, camera 动作行为 search, believe, spot 描述性词语 favorite Tips: 不改变所给词的词性和在句中的语意 动词可以变换时态或非谓语动词-ing/done 名词可以改变单复数,不能用所有格 ’s

读段首句 借景抒情 心理活动(回忆) 动作、表情、语言等 Paragraph 1: Familiar smells of fresh earth rose up to greet her the moment Ally stepped into the woods. . Paragraph2: All too soon the sun disappeared behind thick gray clouds and Ally was about to go back home when suddenly … 借景抒情 心理活动(回忆) 动作、表情、语言等 What did she see or hear in the woods? beautiful scenery; birds flying or singing … How did she feel in the woods? (How to show her feelings) relaxed / upset / miss her father What did she do in the woods? Did she find the warbler? Feeling? search for the warbler No. Disappointed.

读段首句 Attention:不要神话动物 Paragraph2: All too soon the sun disappeared behind thick gray clouds and Ally was about to go back home when suddenly … 原文参考:a tiny bird, the color of a bright orange, with blue-gray wings and sharp black eyes What happened when she was about to go home? Did she spot the warbler? Description of the warbler(appearance, flying, singing …) How did she feel? What would she do if she saw the warbler? 原文参考:If only I could get that good feeling back … delighted / excited / cheer up … take pictures of the warbler Attention:不要神话动物 Show the theme:

Possible Version Para 1: Familiar smells of fresh earth rose up to greet her the moment Ally stepped into the woods. Some things never change, Ally thought. Quickening her pace, she hurried to the rock by the stream where she and her father used to sit and eat lunch. She sat on it, with her face toward the sun. Overhead the sky was filled with birds, whose sweet songs echoed throughout the woods. Ally felt content for the first time in a long while. She could almost hear her father’s laughter in the gentle breeze. “I know Dad will send the warbler to me. And I won’t stop searching until I spot it,” she promised herself, settling comfortably on the rock and waiting patiently. But without luck, the pretty bird didn’t appear.

Para 2: All too soon the sun disappeared behind thick gray clouds and Ally was about to go back home when suddenly she heard a ringing birdsong and saw a flash of fiery orange swooped (俯冲) down and perched (栖息) on a nearby branch. An excited feeling bubbled up inside of Ally. For a moment she couldn’t believe her eyes, but it was true. The tiny wood warbler just sat there, looking around, as if it were waiting for something. “I knew it!” she exclaimed, leaping to her feet. Ally blinked back tears. “Thanks, Dad. I’ll always miss our times together, but I feel better now,” she whispered, slowly lifting her camera and taking pictures.

The End 右键点击结束放映

作者介绍 王璐老师,中学高级教师,曾获“杭州市教坛新秀”荣誉称号,现为“富阳区学科带头人”。2011年以来积极参与高中英语选修课程和校本课程的开发与研究,主要成果包括听说课程《英语影视戏剧表演》;文化系列课程《中外节日觅趣》、《中国传统文化之旅》;读写系列课程《恋恋美文》、《酷文解码》、《英语原版读写乐园》,均被评为杭州市普通高中精品选修课程,其中《英语影视戏剧表演》和《酷文解码》还被评为浙江省普通高中精品选修课程。

知识产权声明 扫码关注 回复:hello sun 获取课件制作、录课等实用工具包 感恩遇见,相互成就,本课件资料仅供您个人参考、教学使用,严禁自行在网络传播,违者依知识产权法追究法律责任。 更多教学资源请关注 订阅号:溯恩英语