现在完成时态 8A Unit 1 Present perfect tense.


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Presentation transcript:

现在完成时态 8A Unit 1 Present perfect tense

现在完成时的结构 一、现在完成时谓语动词的构成: 助动词have/has (not) +P.P.(动词过去分词)

动词过去分词的变化 turned come hurt finished held held won carried changed hold- win- lend- build- catch- keep- forget- tell- have- fall- fly- draw- turned come hurt 1.turn- 2. finish- 3. live- 4. change- 5. carry- 6. study- 7. stop- 8. plan- see- eat- become- be- teach- finished held held won carried changed lived planned stopped studied won lent built caught kept forgotten told had fallen flown drawn seen eaten become been taught

Finish A on P.14

1. Mr. Chen has lived in Sunshine Town since he was born. 2. I have never taught in this way before. 3. We have studied in Hushu Middle school for two years. 4. Nanjing has changed a lot in the past ten years./ over the ten years. 5. Have you ever moved house? 现在完成时的含义1:表示从过去持续到现在的动作或状态,常与时间副词already, ever, never, , recently 以及since, for 引导的时间状语连用。

现在完成时含义2: 表示已完成但对现在有一定影响的动作,常与时间副词just, yet, many times连用。 1. We have just eaten breakfast, and we are not hungry now. 2. I have not finished my homework yet. 3. Who has eaten my apple? (I have no apple to eat.) 4. Have you seen my computer? 5. I have already read this book many times.

现在完成时与一般过去时的区别 1. I have lived here since three years ago. I lived here three years ago. 2. He has just broken the window. He broke the window just now. 现在完成时的动作跟现在有关,一般过去时则陈述过去的事实,与现在无关。

用正确的时态填空 1. Hushu (change) a lot over the years. 2. Millie usually (go) to school on foot. 3. My mother is cooking while my father , (watch) TV. 4. We (learn) 1000 English words since two years ago. 5. Two years ago, I (move) to Nanjing. 6. They visit Sunshine Town next Sunday. 7. What you at nine o’clock last night? 8. Mr. Wu never (be) to Shanghai before.

现在完成时句式的变化 1. 肯定句:I have ( I’ve) already arrived. 否定句:I have not (haven’t) arrived yet. 一般疑问句:Have you arrived yet? 肯定回答:Yes, I have. 否定回答: No, I haven’t. 肯定句:He has just finished it. 否定句:He has not (hasn’t) finished it. 一般疑问句:Has he finished it? 肯定回答:Yes, he has. 否定回答: No, he hasn’t.

Finish B. C on P.14 recent- recently 最近,常与现在完成时连用 yet: 还,仍,用于疑问句和否定句 past 过去, in the past