Dec. 18, 2018 (stock code:8033) Thunder Tiger Corp. 2007年7月 公開發行及興櫃掛牌


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Presentation transcript:

Dec. 18, 2018 (stock code:8033) Thunder Tiger Corp. 2007年7月 公開發行及興櫃掛牌 2008年1月 提出上櫃申請 2008年7月 上櫃掛牌交易

一、Company Introduction 二、2018 Financials 三、Q&A

Company Introduction

Established in Oct.1979 Paid in capital USD 36 million (109 million shares) Stock code: 8033 (Taiwan Stock Exchange) Employee: 205 Staff (TW: 155, US: 50) Location: Taichung Industry Park,Taiwan Factory size: 5300 m2 Certificate: ISO9001, ISO13485 Certified as a Northrop-Grumman Supplier

Thunder Tiger Headquarters ( Taichung, Taiwan) TTBIO Corp ( Taichung, Taiwan) TTSolutions Inc. Team Associated Inc. ( California, USA)

2019年海龍號加長型水下探勘六軸無人潛水艇金質獎 1998年微型渦輪噴射引擎金質獎 歷年榮獲34次台灣精品獎 5次金質獎與4次銀質獎 2019年空中基地台無人機精品獎 2019年海龍號加長型水下探勘六軸無人潛水艇金質獎 2018年空中熱影像雷達偵測搜救無人機銀質獎 2017年農業無人機精品獎 2016年海狼號潛艇銀質獎 2001年60級競賽直升機金質獎 2010年海神號潛艇金質獎 1999年30級競賽直升機金質獎 1997年四衝程引擎銀質獎 1996年二衝程引擎銀質獎 6

2019 Seadragon XLR

Crawler 8

Racing 9



UAV Specification: 1. Weight: 21 kg ( 30.4 lbs.) 2. Dimension: Length L :1180 mm (46.4”) Width W: 396 mm (15.6") High H : 312 mm (12.2") 3. Propeller size Brushless Thruster Diameter : 96.5 mm (3.8") 4. Standard 100m depth rating Seadragon XLR under water ROV system 1. AI control 2. No Water bag / fresh water / salt water 3. Thruster motor x 6 4. Depth: 100 M ~300M 12 12


Dental High Speed Handpiece Coupling 14

Dental Low Speed Handpiece Rotor 15

Dental 2013 Maintenance Unit 16

Medical 17

Medical Shock Wave Therapy System


2018 Group Financials

Consolidated Financial Statement In thousand of TWD Year   Item Three-year consolidated income statement 2015 2016 2017 2018Q3(YTD) Operating Revenue 886,665 686,452 830,805 674,938 Operation Profit (Loss) (184,469) (189,810) (70,660) 8,544 Non-operating Income 4,854 8,351 1,824 12,992 Pre-tax Profit (Loss) (179,615) (181,459) (68,836) 21,536 Net(Loss) Profit (193,708) (193,570) (77,732) 13,046 Net (Loss) Profit Attributable to Owners of the Company (189,722) (195,430) (88,526) (1,735)

Sales Growth In thousand of TWD Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. 2017 48,238 70,403 66,566 56,983 70,130 67,835 71,515 80,661 71,054 58,920 80,612 87,888 2018 72,965 73,507 82,536 78,711 100,388 77,270 61,605 66,106 60.177 75,098 66,079   From January to November 2018, the cumulative revenue of NTD815,409 was 9.78% higher than the same period last year of NTD742,788.

Three-year financial data Balance Sheet In thousand of TWD Year Item Three-year financial data 2015 2016 2017 2018Q3 Current Assets 913,379 629,703 906,728 844,000 Net fixed-Assets 481,478 107,623 102,528 99,296 Intangible Assets 43,174 41,371 41,293 40,535 Other Assets 177,268 246,975 69,041 136,982 Total Assets 1,615,299 1,025,672 1,119,590 1,120,813 Current Liabilities 579,020 183,141 317,163 295,581 Non-Current Liabilities 49,910 55,657 35,917 50,663 Total Liabilities 628,930 238,798 353,080 346,244 Capital 1,287,291 1,094,198 Capital Surplus 164,343 89,584 130,809 80,534 Retained earnings ( 578,051) (689,966) (584,190) (536,608) Other equity 26,937 9,045 (6,623) (556) Non-controlling Interests 85,849 90,920 132,316 137,001 Equity 986,369 786,874 766,510 774,569

TTBIO Financials (Stock code:6493) 2015~2018

TTBIO Income Statements In thousand of TWD Year   Item Three-year income statement 2015年 2016年 2017年 2018年1-9月 (核閱數) Operating Revenue 148,253 159,990 230,479 207,860 Operation Profit (Loss) (13,958) (153) 19,038 28,652 Non-operating Income 4,347 5,796 4,646 4,358 Pre-tax Profit (Loss) (9,611) 5,643 23,684 33,010 Net (Loss) Profit 27,379

Three-year financial data TTBIO Balance Sheet In thousand of TWD Year Item Three-year financial data 2015 2016 2017 2018Q3 Current Assets 112,503 159,215 196,033 210,335 Net fixed-Assets 73,670 62,010 64,065 63,209 Intangible Assets 124,165 116,112 106,597 99,299 Other Assets 33,672 23,803 43,592 50,102 Total Assets 344,010 361,140 410,287 422,945 Current Liabilities 51,894 58,625 85,851 83,967 Non-Current Liabilities 27,986 29,924 25,357 30,304 Total Liabilities 79,880 88,549 111,208 114,270 Capital 240,500 Capital Surplus 30,631 23,630 24,266 Retained earnings (7,001) 8,461 34,949 43,909 Equity 264,130 272,591 299,079 308,675

Q & A