牛津英语上海版 小学英语 五年级第一学期 《Water》 王未未 稷山县化峪中心校东段小学


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Presentation transcript:

牛津英语上海版 小学英语 五年级第一学期 《Water》 王未未 稷山县化峪中心校东段小学

Let's guess What is it? It has no taste. It has no smell. It has no colour. It is in the sea. It is in the lake. We drink it everyday. What is it? Pre-task preparation 1: 活动内容:回答问题,自由讨论 活动目的:切入主题,让学生讲一讲对于水的了解 操作方法:教师提问,学生回答。 2

Oxford English Module 4 The natural world Water Listen and say

sea tap rain river lake snow Look and answer Where does water come from? It comes from the... sea tap rain river Pre-task preparation 1: 活动内容:回答问题,自由讨论 活动目的:切入主题,让学生讲一讲对于水的了解 操作方法:教师提问,学生回答。 lake snow 4

Look and answer brush teeth wash vegetables put out fires wash clothes How do we use water? We use water to... brush teeth wash vegetables put out fires wash clothes Pre-task preparation 3: 活动内容:回答问题 活动目的:通过讨论视频内容,对本课主题有初步的了解 操作方法:让学生以小组形式讨论问题,再让小组代表回答问题。 cook food clean the floor grow crops wash hands 5

What are they talking about? Listen and answer What are they talking about? Pre-task preparation 1: 活动内容:回答问题,自由讨论 活动目的:切入主题,让学生讲一讲对于水的了解 操作方法:教师提问,学生回答。 6

Where does water come from? How do farmers use water? Listen and answer Where does water come from? How do farmers use water? How do firemen use water? Pre-task preparation 1: 活动内容:回答问题,自由讨论 活动目的:切入主题,让学生讲一讲对于水的了解 操作方法:教师提问,学生回答。 7

Listen and complete 提示词: 1. tap 2. sea 3. rain 4. grow crops 5. wash our hands 6. put out fires 7. wash vegetables and clothes MsGuo: Where does water come from? Joe: It comes from the _____. Alice: It comes from the _____. Peter: It comes from the _____ too. MsGuo: All of you are right. How do we use water? Jill: We use water to ____________. We use water to ____________too. Alice: Farmers use water to ___________. Firemen use water to __________ . MsGuo: Very good. Water is very useful. Pre-task preparation 1: 活动内容:回答问题,自由讨论 活动目的:切入主题,让学生讲一讲对于水的了解 操作方法:教师提问,学生回答。 8

Listen and complete 提示词: 1. tap MsGuo: Where does water come from? 2. sea 3. rain 4. grow crops 5. wash our hands 6. put out fires 7. wash vegetables and clothes MsGuo: Where does water come from? Joe: It comes from the __2___. Alice: It comes from the __3___. Peter: It comes from the ___1__ too. MsGuo: All of you are right. How do we use water? Jill: We use water to ______5______. We use water to ______7______too. Alice: Farmers use water to _____4______. Firemen use water to ____6______ . MsGuo: Very good. Water is very useful. Pre-task preparation 1: 活动内容:回答问题,自由讨论 活动目的:切入主题,让学生讲一讲对于水的了解 操作方法:教师提问,学生回答。 9

Say and show 两人一组仿照例句编对话, 比一比哪一组说的最好,演的最好 Joe: Good morning, Alice. Alice: Good moring, Joe. Joe: Where does water come from? Alice: It comes from the... Joe: How do you use water everyday? Alice: I use water to ...What about you? Joe: I use water to...(too). Alice: What about...? Joe: ... Alice/Joe: Wow! Water is very useful! Alice: Bye, Joe. Joe: Bye, Alice. While-task procedure 8: 活动内容:分角色复述课文 活动目的:巩固所学内容,锻炼口头表达能力 操作方法:能力强的学生可以自由发挥,基础较弱的可以直接用课文内容。 10

Thanks for listening,see you! 水是生命之源,请大家节约用水 Thanks for listening,see you! Pre-task preparation 1: 活动内容:回答问题,自由讨论 活动目的:切入主题,让学生讲一讲对于水的了解 操作方法:教师提问,学生回答。 11