Harbin 哈尔滨 白加深
地理位置-Geographic Location 哈尔滨在东北边- Located in northeast of china 哈尔滨离北韩近- close to North Korea 哈尔滨离俄国近- close to Russia
天气-Weather 冬天很冷-Winter very cold 夏天凉- Summer cool 很多雪- A lot of Snow
交通-Transportation 哈尔滨太平国际机场- Harbin International Airport. 哈尔滨有三个火车站-Harbin has 3 Train Stations
有名的地方-Famous Places 哈尔滨冰雪大世界-Harbin Ice and Snow World 东北虎林园- Siberian Tiger Park 太阳岛风景区 – Sun island Scenic Resort
菜-Food 地方菜香辣-local food spicy 饺子-Dumpling 猪肉-Pork 蔬菜-Vegetables
有名人-Famous People 张丹-Zhang Dan- Figure Skater 王冰玉- Wang Bingyu-Chinese Curler 张丹-Zhang Dan- Figure Skater 顾秉林-Gu Binglin- Physicist