搖籃的手極偉大 震動世界人人知 美妙甜蜜的歌曲 動人故事真感激


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版權所有 : 讚美之泉音樂事工 Copyright : Stream of Praise
c B (1) c (1) (2) c (2) B B 千萬個理由 10,000 Reasons 我的靈 讚美祢 我全所有 讚美祢的聖名 像第一次開口 盡我所有 讚美祢的聖名 (1) Bless the Lord, O my soul 我全所有 讚美祢的聖名 O my.
Incomparable love, incomparable love, This is an incomparable love,
With All My Heart 全心愛主(1)
May the Mind of Christ My Savior 救主基督的心(1)
Heaven Came Down and Glory Filled My Soul 天上榮耀充滿我的心靈.
击鼓跳舞赞美他 Praise Him with Tambourine and Dancing
146我知所信的是誰 I Know Whom I Have Believed
Presentation transcript:

搖籃的手極偉大 震動世界人人知 美妙甜蜜的歌曲 動人故事真感激 The hands on the cradle 搖籃的手極偉大 震動世界人人知 美妙甜蜜的歌曲 動人故事真感激 How great are the hands on the cradle They are known all throughout the world Sweet and melodious songs Tell the thankfulness for the touching stories

啊老母的心我教室 指示路途免受惑 永不斷 信心唯一大財產 My mother’s heart is my classroom Never cease to show me the right path And my faith is the only worthwhile inheritance

日影伸長又涼冷 殷勤操勞無時停 為我勞苦是重重 頭額手掌痕跡明 The heat of day and chill at night Working tirelessly without rest All the toils she did for me They are shown through wrinkles and callouses

上帝愛疼算未了 老母慈愛相關照 願她永站主胸前 享受福氣在天庭 God’s love for me never ends My mother’s love stands by its side May she forever be in the Lord’s bosom Enjoy the blessings in heaven

康乃馨/Carnation 胸前配上一朵康乃馨,憶起年老的母親她膝下兒女成群,嘗盡多少酸辛, 她臉上掛滿皺紋,埋葬多少青春。 Wearing a carnation on my chest Remembering my aged mother Brought up many children Experienced many hardship All the wrinkles on her face Sacrifices she made of her youth

臘燭自甘燒成灰燼,放出光明, 母親一生胼手胝足,為誰操心? 啊!母親您的慈愛,永世不泯。 Like candles willing to be burned Shine forth the lights Hard working her entire life Who did she worry for? Ah, Mother your love for me They will never cease

胸前配上一朵康乃馨,憶起年老的母親她膝下兒女成群,嘗盡多少酸辛, 她臉上掛滿皺紋,埋葬多少青春。 【會眾齊唱】 康乃馨/Carnation 胸前配上一朵康乃馨,憶起年老的母親她膝下兒女成群,嘗盡多少酸辛, 她臉上掛滿皺紋,埋葬多少青春。 Wearing a carnation on my chest Remembering my aged mother Brought up many children Experienced many hardship All the wrinkles on her face Sacrifices she made of her youth

臘燭自甘燒成灰燼,放出光明, 母親一生胼手胝足,為誰操心? 啊!母親您的慈愛,永世不泯。 Like candles willing to be burned Shine forth the lights Hard working her entire life Who did she worry for? Ah, Mother your love for me They will never cease